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"I have looked around me – and struck was my soul by sufferings of men..."

A.N. Radishchev

This world is on the razor-edge. The break is coming very close. You are even totally incapable to foresee when and what can provoke a final chord. Yet you are so proud of yourselves, so falsely pragmatic... Do you have another home?

You have been devastating this planet for centuries, and its destruction by your joint efforts have now reached truly catastrophic scales. You are truly unaware of what you are doing. You have been given a fine, pure, perfect home, but you have transformed it into something. Yet one world is not enough for you, and thus you have started crawling in your under-space jalopies into others... Do you truly believe you will be freely allowed to raze them as well?

Behold the ones you are following. Look at the ones you are listening to. Inspect what you believe in, and your destiny will not look dreadful to you any longer. One giant "b-o-o-o-m!" – and everything can be started anew? But what will happen to your souls, what is awaiting them after such a chord for this world? You don't even try to reflect on that! Such a scenario for your minds is only some sort of a horror story for a certain phantasmagoric Hollywood, yes? However, at such a succession of events, you will feel fear instead of fun in reality. How far you are from an understanding of the true scales of your disaster!

Look for now at your politicians, your scientists, medics and those who call themselves no less than servants of God, bearing no right for that. And, having done that, have once courage to look inside the very depths of yourselves. For how many times have you tasted the unctuous nectar of lie, flowing from the lips of those to whom you have voluntary given the right to dominate over yourselves? For how many times have they promised to build a Paradise on the Earth? Do you still believe that such a task is in their powers and meets their proportions?

How many wars have you waged under their command? Constantly do they call you for new destructions so that in that endless chaos can they climb on a notorious Olympus at least for an instant. Whether they are not caliphs-for-an-hour? Or do you believe that these leaders of yours should be given more time once again, so that together with their brothers-in-arms scientists can they enter a new round of races for possession of even more deadly weapons? Or perhaps you are hoping that these races will go on and on forevermore endlessly, that only possession of weapons and physical forces will be a sufficient basis for the preservation of terrestrial nations? But what is the reason to keep those that keep destroying this world particle after a particle? Or have you a guess that all the true prophets who have come to your world were speaking of some other's irrelevant fate and were teaching you of something completely abstract and thus useless?

Look now at those ones whom you are calling as scientists. With your combined efforts you have managed to turn this world into one big dump. Do you truly think that possession of technics can expiate your paralysis of spirit? Your accomplices have already invented those things which are capable to destroy all physical life on this planet. Do you desire to go further in that? You haven't enough of it? Or do you consider yourselves still traveling the divine way, more and more linking yourself with a machine and thus being gradually transformed into it? You know almost nothing of the true possibilities of spirit! And whether all these advanced achievements of science and technology have made you truly joyful and happy beings, whether they have added something to the beauty of your inner "I"? You keep collecting dust in your palms, believing it is to be some sort of a jewel, while your true jewel keeps becoming dusty inside you. Soon you will start trusting opinions of machines more than ones of your neighbors and after that even more that of your own. Then you will replace yourselves with machines-cyborgs. But whether this universe needs yet another planetary factory, producing biological robots?

Whether your medics will be capable to cure you of such a spiritual transformation, while they can't even heal your bodies? Or do you think that body and spirit are not linked together by invisible threads? Or are you hoping to find next miraculous pill from all troubles and sorrows, fading of spirit being included? But have the prophets taught you of that? And whether doctors of your desire to understand that violation of laws of spirit always goes before body illnesses? Or, perhaps, they are aware of all invisible consequences of hatred and rage? Or something about the destiny of children's souls whose bodies are suffering from "incurable" diseases, because they have chosen the path of the atonement of many from their kin? But you are so hurrying to accuse of disgrace the Highest Powers, that you don't even notice how you are dirtying the souls of your own children, thus starting slowly killing yourselves as well. No sort of pills will ever help you to purify yourselves from own-brought spiritual infection. But, maybe, suffering, you will once learn to truly love each other...

For it is the love of which all the true prophets were telling you! But whether it is the love glimmering in the hearts of those who have proclaimed themselves as their followers? Oh, if only it was that way! But a thirst for wealth and power possessed them and made their hearts stale to human suffering. Therefore, do they feast nowadays in luxury with the world being on the break, but whether it's not a feast during a plague-time? Therefore, ready they are to willingly rob the ones trusting them of their last possessions, and banish them back to God, whom they serve not. Maybe someone, banished by these servants, will once find the Maker outside of temples walls. Maybe at least some will understand that God is not living in the houses of those worshipping a mammon. Maybe they will once bring this message to others.

May you know that this world is still alive only thanking God's Greatest Favor. Only his endless love constraints that relentless stream of evil born by you, which is capable of destroying this world in a single flash of time, has found itself a way out. His hands have the God stretched over this world and carries it in them like it is a child. But some of your kind still have enough impudence to accuse him of the absence of care of your modest personalities!

Maybe, one day you will see everything clearly. Maybe, you will manage to understand and do something of vital importance in your lives. Maybe you will get rid of the illusions which have flooded your world. Maybe, you will finally fall in love with the one who has given birth to your spirit and has gifted you a wonderful home. Maybe under his care and with his great aid, you will once transform this world into a living Paradise.

Oh, how wonderful would that be!


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