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Thought... surprisingly amusing entity! It's true nature still remains unresolved, despite all the praising of crowds of biologists, psychologists, zoologists, and the rest, and the like. We only think that we do think right – but who truly gave us such thoughts? We ourselves... Are you so sure?

What inconsistent to each other thoughts we manage to experience during even one day! Here we love something – and a few minutes after we are almost ready to start hating it. Here we think of the person something, and a short time after our thoughts lead us to completely opposite conclusions. Here it seems to us that we have learned and understood some concept – yet time inevitably proves to us time and again that these thoughts of our own knowledge were very untimely and not elegant. Who are we then if we are even unable to take control over our thoughts. What a surprising doublethink do we suffer from?

Did you ever reflect on why do these or those thoughts came up to your mind, and in what condition of your spirit do they make that surprising break? Just observe! Here you are grieving, feeling sad and lonely – it seems as if the whole world turned away from you to itself, having forgotten that you are the same inseparable part of it. You were abandoned by your darling, or there was a conflict on work, or you quarreled with somebody or took offense at something. Life is painted to you in gray and black colors, boring and ordinary-looking, people seem like pity egoists, and the meaning of life which you still remembered when have just arrived into this world, inevitably starts escaping from your souls. What kind of thoughts do you experience during these moments? Oh, I better not remind you.

Here you are enamored and joyful. The sun shines on the street, birds do sing – and you desire to soar high in the heavens together with them and sing in joy! It seems as if every passerby you meet smiles to you and shares your happiness – most probably, somewhere in the heart of his soul he is just as happy as you are now. You would like to embrace people and thank the life for its favor towards you, for it has already granted you so many happy and unforgettable moments! After all, do you remember your thoughts during these wondrous moments? Oh, certainly, you perfectly remember it still!

And how did it happen that you have combined, apparently, incompatible? That thoughts of joy are being replaced by those of grief, grief gives a way to tranquility, tranquility turns into inspiration, and inspiration grants happiness? Who in fact operates this colorful kaleidoscope – you? Are you so precisely sure?

Strange thing it is – the thought. Non-physical entity, created by physical by its nature brain... Or maybe he is not its true creator at all? You, certainly, remember how sometimes even in a scientific world such strange events were taking place that couldn't be described by pity probability theory. Pray tell, for instance, what is a probability that from many millions of people living on this planet two or three from them independently from each other will perform same by its nature scientific discovery, but one of them will publish results for the public slightly earlier than the other? What in fact is a probability that from an infinite set of thoughts these scientists will give birth to similar ones among themselves? Something truly improbable, yes? But nobody told you that these thoughts were yours, after all, it was you who desired to consider it as such...

And if the thought comes from the outside, like an invisible wave, touching your minds and souls, then who inside you perceives it – mind, heart, soul? And who gave birth to it originally – you or maybe someone other? And what if you are sort of radio, capable to adjust itself on necessary space "waves"? And whom will you then listen to? What will you finally choose – light, darkness, love, hatred, joy, despondency? Whom from unseen friends or enemies will you listen to? To what "frequency" of sounding will you transform your souls? With whom will you co-adjust them and start sounding in unison? Whether you will become a true master of yourselves, having reached purity and clarity of consciousness – or will allow the endless chatter of mind to blind you? Whether will you manage to hear your inner silence once?

You, probably, don't even realize what fatal importance this choice of yours bears. For before there was even action, there was thought, proudly marching forward...


On the Wings of Hope: Prose (Recognized)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin