Mutants of our age

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Present list, entitled as "Mutants of our century", represents itself a result of long-term researches by geneticists of our society of tendencies of susceptibility of separate individuals and their groups for recently amplifying various soul-genetically mutations, as well as characteristics of these types of mutations as they are.

We do not apply for absolute accuracy and completeness of presented material for a simple reason that it's extremely difficult to describe a thoroughly entire aspect of alteration of psycho-world-outlook component of mutating individuals, as well as predict the possibility of the emergence of newer, still unknown to us types of mutations. We can only hope that like all diseases, currently known to mankind, this class of them will also once come to naught in a certain period a natural way.

Along with that, we want to recommend all individuals to try carefully watch over their own soul-phycho-health in order to minimize the risk of infection.

Characteristics of separate types of mutations follow below.

1. "Mindless"

This is one of the most widespread among individuals sort of mutation. According to our calculations, almost one-half of all individuals of our planetary society have appeared to be subject to infection by it. Described type of mutation is not congenital, and can only be "acquired" later in life. For still obscure reasons even individuals with high natural resistance to this mutation can still be afflicted by it in case of their long stay in the company of other already afflicted ones – in scientific nature this effect has been called as "Effect of crowd-mind-losing".

Reasons for this phenomenon most likely lie in still unknown ways of the non-physical interaction of individuals of our society among themselves. Individuals who have undergone this type of mutations appear to be incapable adequately comprehend a surrounding them objective reality, become strongly enslaved by self-made or inspired from outside various illusions, they gradually lose any critical evaluation of perceived streams of information, and start resembling by so-called by writers and fantasts of the past "zombies".

The mutational process can have a rather continuous and long character, having stretched throughout the entire planetary life of the individual. Let's note that due to reasons still unknown a small number of individuals appeared to be totally resistant to this type of mutation. Possible causes for this immunity lie is accelerated and strengthened synthesis of hormone "Reason" in their organisms. So far, according to statistical data in which is available to us, similar individuals make about one percent of their total number. In addition, another curious feature of this type of mutations, revealed by us, is the probability of its spontaneous termination in case of introduction of the individual into a company of mentioned resistant individuals and rather continuous staying in it – in scientific literature this phenomenon received a name "Light of reason". True cases and roots of a similar phenomenon remains a mystery still.

This mutation can become a starting point for formation and growing of mutational processes of all other types, and, in particular, "Ear-no-hear/Eye-good-bye" type.

2. "Rage-Caging"

Possible reasons for this type of mutations are the process of violation of synthesis of hormone "Good nature" in organisms of individuals along with amplifying synthesis of hormones "Anger" and "Irritation".

Those who have undergone this kind of mutation become inclined to aggressive violent acts in relation to other individuals, that in rather open and obvious form shows the processes of their loss of own soul-psycho health.

Forms of aggression's manifestation can be various and invariant by their nature and contents, beginning from verbal censures and finishing with physical impact on planetary bodies of other individuals.

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