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Very little time still remained... Just a few more days – and a long-deserved rest will finally welcome him. Already soon... so soon myriads of sleepless nights will come to an end along with mugs of coffee and measured, the delightful-lulling noise of the computer. Will come to its end a knock of fingers on a keyboard, blowing up silence from time to time, as well as a passing of program's text through a compiler, and a joy, filling soul at the sight of a working code. All this was going to end at the long last.

And then – oh! – these long anticipated and fostered in half-delirious sleepless nights dreams will be given a chance to come true – they must become a reality, obliged to. After all, what is a single year? Such a few time. It's too little for what is going to be accomplished. Only a year...

They will finally pay for it all. For all the harm they managed to bring to those people – such young ones... spiritually childish, irresponsible... taken unaware by this monstrous machine. They are going to be annihilated at last. Wiped out from the face of the earth, erased like a killing virus, a cure for which has finally been found. Has been found in some pitiful year.

Very few steps still remained. Everything has been calculated and thought over a long time ago – almost a half year ago when a possibility of penetration into the System has been found at last. He used half a year to, like a blind puppy, having stuck in every direction, finally find a way out. A vulnerability, a hole, a bug – a thread which, once being pulled, was capable to make a System become your puppet, a doll in the hands of a master. Yet it was possible to pull it only once, there was no chance for an error, for a second attempt – a security service disliked it so much when someone decided to play with it. This thread had to be found by him, having only the possibility to study the System by its indirect reactions to external influences, having and knowing no access to its core.

Half a year – infinitely long and endless short, all as one night, – was required to find an Achilles' heel. Maybe the only one of its kind, possibly not. And then another half a year, living day by day with tiny earnings of a freelancer, writing code in the semi-delirium night by night, coding and praying each and every new day to the God, known only to you, so that architects of the System haven't found this hole in the meantime.

They haven't discovered it. And that's the reason they are going to die today. A disease will be destroyed once and for all. Very few steps still remained – to unleash it into the network. A virus should be battled with similar means.

No one could possibly assume how fast this giant will stretch its killing tentacles, how quickly everything would be under its feet. How incredibly soon little men, representing the brain of this corporation, will understand what is given by such a power, how quickly they will use it in a full potential.

And then everything was like a single flash of time – terrible and unrepeatable. All industrial, in-house, personal computing systems have been switched to the Corporation's products – there was no country, no home, no man, no device, which has not been connected to and integrated with a System with no possibility for a retreat. There is was no turning back after the integration's final procedures. And when first "alternatives seekers" found it out – it was too late already.

Tomorrow there will be that day when the long-term Corporation's control comes to its awaited end. Otherwise... otherwise, everything was in vain.


It was such a strange day – a winter one, yet at the same time both bright and warm. The sun blinded the eyes as if looking at all the human fuss below and smiling. It always smiled that way – warming up both right and both wrong ones.

I accurately took out a brand new anonymous smartphone, acquired through the Net earlier, and turned it around. Looked at the screen, which has reflected a vicinity behind my back. Everything was clear, I wasn't observed. The time has come.

On the Wings of Hope: Prose (Recognized)Where stories live. Discover now