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"...And there they meet with happiness at last..." the Story-Teller has finished the narration, closing the book and beholding faces of listeners in the light of evening street fires for a moment.

And after a brief moment questions started falling down on him as if from a fountain of abundance.

"What, just behind that great Wall?"

"Yes," the Story-Teller smiled, "where the Experiment comes to an end and heroes of our tale ascend to a new level of understanding. They all start a new life from that moment, for the end of the Experiment doesn't mean the end of their ways."

"And why did Observers have become the ones you described?"

"You can never tell. Perhaps they were uninterested in the Experiment and preferred not to interfere. Or, maybe, the heroes created by the Scribes didn't impress them at first? We can keep on guessing for quite a while, but, apparently, will never learn of true reasons for such a decision of theirs."

"Probably, it's very boring to watch over a world as if you are watching it on a TV, yet cannot interfere yourself? I would certainly die from boredom myself!"

"But you must certainly have heard what difficulties face the Descended ones?"

"To forget themselves for a time... I will definitely not subscribe for something like that! That's real amnesia!"

"Well, as they say, the will of Scribes prevails for they have created heroes for their world."

"I too would like to create at least a couple of heroes myself! And a winged dragon as well – like the ones from children's fairy tales, only much greater!"

"I am certain it will turn out to be a beautiful dragon. But before that, we still need to work more on skills of our imagination. Don't you forget that it's the most vital creative tool in our possession."

"And why creators of the Experiment acted that way?"

"They cannot do it any other way. To become a hero one needs to pass trials. Heroes of Scribes were not always as such in the past."

"And would you like to be a Scribe yourself one day?"

"No," smiled the Story-Teller, "I am satisfied with that joy – to tell you of what Scribes have created for all of us."

"And do Scribes face difficulties sometimes?"

"A lot of. For one needs not only to imagine heroes but to train them afterward. To place them in right spots, to create and keep correcting thread of events as narration goes on, not to lose sight of anyone's destiny and fate... It's truly an awesome task to complete," hemmed the Story-Teller.

"And what's the difference between novice and master Scribes?"

"Good question! You know, it seems to me that novice Scribes do not fully realize their own role – as if they see the world they are making and their imagined heroes from a distance as if through a prism. They can give life to a new hero or take it from one they have already created – novice Scribes need it to emphasize the significance of some of their thoughts or ideas.

And masters..." and Story-Teller raised his head to the starry sky for a moment, as if checking with it, "masters start living with their worlds and heroes together for real. They mourn together with them and rejoice their victories together as well, pass difficult tests and enjoy well-deserved rest, they both teach and study with them. And once there comes the moment when they forget for a while of who they really are and that the world they have made exists only in their imagination thanks to fantasy, for they have descended in their own world to the fullest."

"It turns out there would be no us without someone's greatest imagination?" listeners asked all at once.

"And there would be no world without it," the Story-Teller smiled in reply.


On the Wings of Hope: Prose (Recognized)Where stories live. Discover now