A Birthday to Remember

Start from the beginning

"Shh, here she comes." Lukas said quickly, Petra quickly shutting up.

"Unsaddled, cooled down, stabled, and had a carrot." Jesse announced proudly as she came to stop beside them, grinning.

"And you didn't even need my help, that's good." Lukas said, giving Jesse a pat on her shoulder.

"We should probably get home." Petra said, wriggling her wrist to check her watch. "It's getting late."

Jesse's shoulders sunk slightly at Petra's words, but she still nodded in agreement. She turned her head to Lukas, her expression hopeful.

"We'll see you tomorrow again, right?"

"Jesse, it's your birthday, of course you'll see me." Lukas said, nudging her shoulder with his. "You know I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Jesse's face lit up, beaming excitedly. She gave Lukas a quick hug goodbye, Petra giving him a pat on the shoulder as well. He waved to them as they began to walk away, turning around and walking back to his cabin as well.


Jesse's eyes slowly opened, feeling the warm rays from the morning sun shining on her face. Letting out a soft sigh, she rolled over and buried her face back into her pillow. After playing video games with Petra until who-knows-when the previous evening, getting up didn't sound very pleasant.

For a few more minutes, Jesse just lay there with her face buried in her pillow. Then all of a sudden she bolted upright, all her tiredness vanishing in an instant as she remembered what day it was.

Within a few seconds, Jesse had leaped up from her bed, ripping off her pyjamas and pulling on her favourite T-shirt with a pair of overalls. Still in the process of pulling her hair into a ponytail, Jesse strode out into the hallway, heading for the stairs.

"I was wondering when you'd finally wake up." Petra said with a laugh as Jesse came jogging down the stairs.

She placed the two plates of breakfast down on the dining table, walking over to Jesse and giving her a hug. "Happy birthday, you."

"You actually got up early to make breakfast?" Jesse asked in amusement as the two of them pulled away from each other, gesturing to the pancakes on the table.

"Yeah, very against my will, might I add." Petra said with a wink as she walked back to the table. "But you literally brought me breakfast in bed on my birthday, I thought this was the least I could do."

"I think you would have been better off that day, had I not." Jesse said with an awkward chuckle as she took a seat as well. "I was afraid I gave you food poisoning."

"Consider it a valuable life lesson to never try and cook a recipe of your own again." Petra responded, both of them laughing.

"What are the plans for today?" Jesse asked excitedly as they began to eat.

"What would the point of the surprise be, if I told you?" Petra asked, rolling her eyes as she stuck a piece of pancake whole in her mouth and continued to speak mid chew. "All I'll say is, we're heading over to Lukas after breakfast."

Jesse perked up excitedly. "Are the three of us going to spend the day together?"

"Yes, I'll spoil that much." Petra said, chuckling. "You also might want to go pack a bag after we've eaten, as we're not coming home again until tomorrow."

Jesse let out another excited squeal, nearly knocking her glass of orange juice over in excitement. Petra protectively pulled her mug of coffee closer to her to keep it safe.

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