New Addiction

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"You know, when you said you were going to be home tonight, I didn't expect you to bring the office with you." Petra said, sinking down in her chair with frustration.

"I didn't get any less work than I normally do." Jesse replied matter-of-factly, not lifting her gaze from the letter she was writing out. "I did come home early instead of staying at the office, but I still need to get this done at some point." She glanced up at Petra briefly. "After all, if I don't get this done, I'd have to work on it tomorrow. I don't think you would have much love for that, would you?"

"Hell no." Petra muttered. "It's your day off for a reason, Lukas is coming over and everything."

"Exactly." Jesse replied matter-of-factly, looking back down and continuing to write. She ignored the repeated sighs, and other bored signals Petra was letting off.

In all fairness, she did feel a little guilty. It's been a few months since the last of the Order had split up, Lukas moving to his own place. She had been at work every day, and honestly didn't know what Petra was doing to keep herself occupied all day long.

Lukas was coming back over the next day for a short one-week visit. Jesse had arranged for Radar to take over her work for seven days, so she could spend some time with her friends. She had even come home early on her last day of work to start making it up to Petra, but alas – the work still needed to get done.

"You know-" Jesse groaned internally when Petra started speaking again, her voice shattering through Jesse's concentration. "When you said we were going to have this evening to ourselves, I was thinking it meant we were going to do some fun things.

You know, running around outside and killing mobs like we used to? Or hell, even something more boring inside like playing a video game! I did not expect to sit and watch you sign papers."

"Nothing's stopping you from going to bed." Jesse pointed out, not looking up.

"It's 8 pm!" Petra said, throwing her hands into the air. "You know I don't go to sleep for at least another two hours!"

"Yeah." Jesse said, sternly glancing up at Petra. "That's because you're always drinking way more coffee than your supposed to."

Petra muttered something about Jesse being a pain, rolling her eyes. But then it looked like a light bulb went on inside her head and she perked up.

"If you can get your work done in the blink of an eye, can we do something fun then?" Petra asked, planting her hands on the table and leaning towards Jesse.

"When I'm done, I'm going to bed." Jesse replied, pushing Petra backwards again to get her shadow off the papers.

"But what if you're not tired?" Petra asked mischievously.

"I'm already tired." Jesse deadpanned, not looking up.

"Just listen to me for one second." Petra said, snatching Jesse's pen out of her hands. "You said it yourself, I have way too much energy in the evenings... how would you like some of that energy?"

Jesse blinked a few times, looking at the redhead in front of her with a dumbfounded expression. Then she realised what Petra meant, immediately shaking her head.

"No, no, no and another no!" She said firmly, reaching for her pen in Petra's hand.

"You've never even tasted coffee!" Petra argued back, holding Jesse's pen out of reach. "You just decided it's evil the day I brought that coffee machine home!"

"Yes, because ever since you brought it home, you've been all over the place like an excited Chihuahua." Jesse replied firmly. "And whenever you aren't, you're walking around like zombie."

MCSM One Shots (2018-2019)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora