"can girls wear pants or shorts around here. Because the skirts are already annoying me." She shook her head. " Nope, this is the females uniform. It's sexist and way out dated but that's what we have to deal with. Now up here is where the classes E-H are. The first floor is where class A-D is. " I nodded acting like I cared. "The third floor is manly for club activities or electives that don't really involve academics like theater. The gym is behind the school but i'll have to show you that later." The cafeteria is on the side of the school and I'll show you that later too. "

I kept following her and toned out what she was saying, until she started mentioning the hierarchy of the school. "Just so you know this school is ruthless." I rolled my eyes, it's high school. What do you expect , for us to be singing and dancing about friendship and growth? Nope, it's about whose on top, whose Fucking who and who's the next victim in the huge scheme. When and where the next party and who's up for a hook up. I'm so over it.

"Well now for the real stuff, who cares about where the classes are. The teachers don't give a shit of you're late." I quirked an eyebrow up, but quickly schooled my features to show no emotion. "there's the queens and too bitches i'd avoid at all cost. They're faked them Barbie and once they have something in you the hood on like a cobra. Rachel, Nancy and Barb. Mainly Barb the rest follow her around like dogs. Then there's the kings of the school. all the girls want and chase after, all the guys want to be friends with. No one dares to against them and i'd advise staying away from them. Girls are just tools to them, just as much as the girls are them as tools."

Now I'm intrigued, "who are these "kings"? Because they sound like arrogant asses." She quickly stopped and whipped her head around. "Shhh! They have eyes and ears everwhere, the second they think you are against them or piss them off bam." She snapped at the word bam to give it more emphasis. "Your life is over." I rolled my eyes once again, my life was over a long time ago. I'm not going to let some cocky high school dicks and bitches ricocheted better than me because they were born with a silver spoon.

" Theyre pretty much the rulers of the school, people kiss the ground they walk on. To bad they don't care, they only hang out with each other. Their own little bubble every one wants to be part of but no one's been able to get in." I'm getting really tired of her blabbing about them on and on. "Okay we get it they have sticks up their asses. So, who are these boys." She glared at me . "Well you already know about the girls to avoid but the kings are-" the bell rang. "Well I better take you to your class, I'll tell you later if you still don't know. But i doubt it."

We were already down stairs so it was easy to take me to my first class. Ap statistics is going to be a bitch of a first period, might as well start the day like shit and keep going. I'm already going to be tired in the morning but this is going to make me a zombie, I can already see it.

I walked in, but not before Quinn told me she's be back to take me to my next class. I walked in and some people were already there seated. The teacher wasn't there yet so it just stood there by the board. I known that if I sit down I could be taking someone's seat, and that won t go over well.

More students trickled in and finally the teacher, Mr. Adams walked in. He had a bald spot and the rest of the hair on the side of his head was peppered. Most of the students were here now so I have a good idea of which seats could possible be mine.

"You must be the new student, Ms. Walker." I nodded. "Do you want to go by your name or a Nick name?" I was about to answer when I saw Ash walk through the door. Shit, I really have no luck. "Just Chris please." He nodded. " well sit in the second seat in the last row. Next to Ashington. " he pointed lazily in Ashes direction. Damn it, God's really not on my side.

I dragged myself to the seat and sat down. Ash at least had the decency to glance up at the least. I could already hear whispers going around the class about me. To bad I don't care. I stayed seated and made sure to ignore Ashes highly strong "fuck off" presence he has going on. It's like I can feel a really box around him telling everyone to stay away. Dudes got problems, but both like I can judge.

"Okay class, get out your note books. Ash help Chris catchup to us because you've already proved you already know everything." Mr. Adams sounded annoyed, and I saw a tiny gleam in Ash's eyes. Most likely amusement.

I too jour my note book and so did he. We both didn't say anything as I scooted my desk over to see his note book. "Only teach her this week's lesson. She should have learned the other stuff at her old school." I could hear some shade being thrown in my direction from the way he said that. But no just brushed it off.

Ash flipped his note book pages to this week's lesson. I don't know why I expected them to look like college level notes. Where everything is sorted and organized, color coded and in superb handwriting. Maybe because it's a private school only for the high class I deluded myself.

His notes were chicken scratch. Not even the Egyptians can decipher his writing. Okay, I know I being dramatic but his hand writing is bad. I can read it at the least, sort of.

I just looked up and have him a 'what da fuck' look, because that's what I'm feeling right now. He just looked at me, food of any emotions and then back down. The teacher was still going over the lesson and I was still trying to figure out what the second sentence says. Finally getting to irritated to do this I hissed at him.

"What the fuck does this say? All I can tell us that says the and I think that says pig. But why would you write pig in math notes? This its legible." He gave me an annoyed look.  "Ah, don't look at me like that. If I wrote like that you'd be saying the same thing. You're suppose to help me and I can't get help if your handwriting rivals a doctor's. I'm not sure to be amused or annoyed."

He had the audacity to roll his eyes. He gave me a 'to bad. Figure it out yourself' look. I took a breath and instead of whisper hissing I calmly whispered. "heres this, the faster offer these notes the sooner I can leave you alone." He seemed interested this time. By his shoulders dropping in guessing he agreed. "Fine."

So for the next half hour he told me what to write and I did. The thing in not going to tell him is that I already know how to do this. Well sort of. I learned it just a little bit ago. If it was anything from  semester 1 i wouldn't know shit. That's when a lot of my shit was happening.

I scooted my desk back to where it was and ignored the curious gazes from the other class mates. They can mind their own damn business, not like I've done anything wrong.

Finally the teachers lesson was over, we and a few minutes to talk but I chose to pack my bag and try to look at the school map. Which was like trying to remember all of pei and deciphering it. So impossible.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, "psst..." I turned to see a girl with blind hair in a french braid ask, " how'd you get him to do that? " I looked at her funky. What? "I mean how did you get him to help you, let alone talk?" Ohhh, wow I didn't know Ash was so famous here. " Um, I don't know. I'm very persuasive, and boobs help the cause. " I heard a quiet snort. "But I really have no idea what you're talking about." She shook her head. "Sorry, I forgot you're new. He never talks, it's like he could care less and people are.just bugs under his boots. Has this don't talk to me or die vibe going on." I snorted. I've noticed.

Then the bell rang signalling the end of class, and I quickly got up to leave. I stood outside the class waiting until I saw Quinn. Then I went off the my second jail cell of the day.

Hi guys sorry I've been gone for so long. Just busy and not feeling well. I'm trying to make more stories but update the ones I have. Please comment and vote. Hope you enjoyed. Sorry for any errors.

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