After the Battle

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Everything was silent. The only sound was the heavy breathing of those who had just stopped the flames. They all stood motionless, staring into the darkness.

Newt's unruly hair was messier than usual. He glanced at his brother whose usually neat hair was pushed right out of his face. He was staring forward, a vacant expression on his face. He glanced down then looked up at Newt. The younger brother stepped around his case and pulled the older man into a tight hug. He didn't usually like hugs, except from Tina, but Theseus needed one right now.

Newt could tell his brother was trying not to cry. "I've chosen my side," he murmured, remembering their conversation about sides the last time they had seen each other . . . and the last time they had hugged. He felt Theseus grip the back of his coat tightly. They hugged for a few more seconds before pulling away.

The two brothers looked at each other and Newt knew his brother was saying a silent thank you. Then he heard a small noise coming from the grass.

"Oh," he sighed, seeing the Niffler limping from the shadows. "Come here." He knelt down and held out his hands. "I've got you," he murmured. "I've got you." He picked up the little creature, gently stroking its matted fur with his thumb.

Newt slipped his fingers into the Niffler's pouch and pulled out the item inside. He held it up where he could see it and studied it. It was the little vial that had been pinned to Grindelwald's robes. He knew that this vial could change the fate of the entire world. Slipping it into his pocket, he carefully moved to place the Niffler in his case. Then he got to his feet and looked at his brother.

Theseus nodded slightly and they both Disapparated, appearing back where Jacob stood with the old man. The latter turned.

"Thank you," Newt said to him. "Thank you for your help. I'm afraid I'm not sure who you are though."

"Ah," the man said. He offered his hand. "Nicolas Flamel."

Newt started he knew the name. Slowly, carefully, he shook the man's hand. "Do you own the house Dumbledore sent us to?" he asked.

"Yes, he told me some friends of his were coming."

Newt nodded. Of course Dumbledore knew he'd end up going. "I'm--"

"Newt Scamander," Flamel finished. "Yes, I know. You're quite the famous author now."

Newt blushed slightly and nodded. Then his attention was called elsewhere by a loud crack. He looked up to see Kama appear at the top of the steps. He started.


There was another crack and another figure appeared beside Kama.

"Tina," he breathed.

Tina staggered slightly, nearly falling. But before she could collapse, she felt a pair of strong arms encircle her. She let herself lean against him and he held her close.

"Shh," he murmured. "Shh, darling, you're okay. It's over now." 

Newt wanted to tell her that everything was alright, that everything would be alright, but it wasn't. He had seen what had happened. He had seen her sister walk through the flames.

He reached up and gently stroked her dark hair. It was messy, having been blown back during the fight, so he smoothed it down.

Tina buried her face in his chest. She longed to smell his familiar scent but he just smelled like smoke. Everything smelled like smoke. He pulled her closer, continuing to murmur soothingly into her ear. She was glad to have him there. He was so comforting. Most people would have tried to tell her that everything was okay now but he didn't. He knew that everything wasn't okay and she appreciated him for that.

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