Slow Progress

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Tina finished packing her bag, shrinking it to fit in her pocket. She cast a spell to make sure she hadn't left anything in the room. Then she went down to the reception and checked out of the hotel. Today had been her last day in Paris. Whether she managed to get Credence or not, she wasn't spending another night in the city. If she found Credence, she'd be taking him with her back to America. If she didn't find Credence, she'd be leaving France, spending another night in London before following the circus to its next stop.

At least, that was the plan. Of course, Tina's plans rarely went the way they were supposed to. She hoped that this time would be different.

Leaving the hotel, she made her way to Place Cachée. As she approached the statue, the woman responded to her presence, leaning down to pull her bronze skirt away from the entrance. Tina turned slowly, making sure no one was looking, then quickly ducked through the concrete. She found herself on a noisy street. 

The circus was in full swing. There were a couple of tents at one end of the street. Fireworks burst overhead, forming the shape of a large creature Tina didn't recognize.

Tina walked slowly through the crowd, looking around carefully. Her face held no emotion, it rarely did. Her eyes held even less. She passed a cage, a large beast cramped inside. She recognized it as the one the fireworks had formed but she didn't know what it was. It was hunkered down, staring out from behind its flowing, magenta tail. 

A flash of anger passed through her. This creature was being mistreated, cramped in a cage that was too small for it so that people could stare and laugh at it. Tina wanted to help it.

If only Newt were here. He'd know what to do.

Quickly shoving these thoughts from her head, she moved on. Passing a couple of people who were spitting a stream of fire between each other, she ducked into a tent. A crowd of people surrounded an empty cage, the circus ringmaster paced in front of it.

"Next, in our little show of freaks and oddities," he started. "I present to you: a Maledictus!"

A young, black-haired woman dressed in blue emerged from the back of the cage. Tina instantly felt sorry for her. Not only did she carry this disease that would one day ruin her life, she was a prisoner because of it. The crowd was gasping appreciatively and Tina was reminded once again of just how cruel the world could be.

"Once trapped in the jungles of Indonesia, she is the carrier of a blood curse," the ringmaster explained. "Such under beings are destined through the course of their lives to turn permanently into beasts."

The crowd oohed and ahhed again. Tina moved further into the tent, away from the entrance.

"But look at her, so beautiful. Yes, so desirable." The ringmaster turned to face her. "But soon, she will be trapped forever in a very different body," he spat. "Every night, when she sleeps, madames et monsieurs, she is forced to become . . ." He raised his hands to the audience.

The people in the tent burst into laughter. Nothing had happened. The young woman had turned and was staring into the back of the tent. Tina pushed to the front of the crowd and glanced in the direction the woman was looking. There, in the shadows, was . . .


"She is forced to become . . ." the ringmaster repeated dramatically. 

Still, nothing happened.

"She is forced to beco--" He broke off, hitting the cage angrily with his staff.

The woman turned slowly, facing the audience. Then she twisted backward, he arms, legs, and torso slowly transforming, changing into the scaly body of a snake.

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