Explanations and Apologies

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Newt slowed down when they reached the entrance to the record room. He glanced around the corner to see the woman waiting behind the desk at the entrance. Then he turned to Tina.

"Listen, just act natural and go along with whatever I say, okay?" Newt said.

She nodded and they rounded the corner. They walked slowly to the desk. When they reached it, the woman said something in French. Tina didn't understand but Newt seemed to.

"Yes, uh," he said. "This is Leta Lestrange."

Tina looked at him in surprise. She had expected him to say something involving them being together but he hadn't thought he'd call her Leta. She turned and smiled at the woman.

"And, uh--" Newt went on. "I'm -- I'm her--"

"Fiancé," Tina stammered, clearing her throat uncomfortably. It hurt so much to say that word. It hurt because it had been true once but wasn't any longer. It hurt because she was simply pretending to be Leta who really was his fiancée.

Newt felt his heart sink as she said that word. He knew she was only saying it because she really thought that he was marrying Leta. He knew that he needed to explain it to her. It was now or never.

The woman spoke again. As Newt and Tina moved around the desk, she leaned forward and pressed a button. The doors swung open and they stepped into the dark room.

"Tina, about that fiancée business," he started as the doors swung shut behind them.

"Oh, sorry, yeah. I should have -- congratulated you," she said haltingly. They had gone this long without discussing this. Why did I bring it up?  

"No, that's--"

"Lumos!" she called, not letting him finish. The tip of her wand lit up and the light began traveling along the room. "Lestrange."

She started after the light.

"Tina," Newt called, hurrying after her. "About Leta--"

"Yes, I just said I am happy for you!" she snapped. It was obvious she wasn't but she didn't care. She wanted him to feel guilty.

"No, well I don't-- Please don't be . . . happy."

Tina stopped and turned to face him suddenly.

"I-- No-- No, sorry. I don't--" He stammered. "O-obviously I--" His wand slipped from his finger and he quickly bent to pick it up. Tina watched him fumble around.

"Obviously I want you to be," Newt started. "And I hear that you are now . . . which is wonderful." It hurt to say that but he knew he had to accept it.

Tina stared at him blankly.

"Sorry. What I'm trying to say is: I want you to be happy but I don't want you to be happy that I'm happy because I'm not," Newt tired to explain.

She continued staring at him in confusion. He realized she didn't understand.

"Happy," he clarified.

Tina turned, ready to snap at him again. She didn't understand what he meant. Why on earth is he marrying Leta if he's not happy with her?

"Or engaged," Newt added quickly.

Tina's turned back to Newt, staring at him in shock. "What?" she breathed.

"It was a mistake in a stupid magazine," he explained. "My brother's marrying Leta; June the 6th. I'm supposed to be best man which is sort of, mildly hilarious."

Tina looked at him curiously, a worried expression on her face. "Does he think you're here to win her back?"

Now it was Newt's turn to stare. What?

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