Two hours later and the clock was hitting midnight. She didn't have a morning class so she wasn't worried about that, but she did want to go on a run in the morning so she had to get her rest.

Before she could pack her things away, the guy was approaching her table. Her heart rate increased as she thought about what he could possibly want with her.

"'Scuse me, but you take Anatomy 145 right?"

Beyoncé slowly nodded, "Yeah, why?"

"With Dr. Pratt?"

Beyoncé nodded again, "Yeah, on Tuesday and Thursday's."

The guy took a seat adjacent to her at the table and pulled out his book, "I'm in that class too and I'm really struggling right now. I saw you had the same book as me so I was just wondering if you could help a kid out."

Beyoncé smiled a little, "Yeah! What are you struggling with?"

He groaned, "These muscles and shit. How do you remember all of this?"

Beyoncé laughed at his frustration. She seemed to have the same issues as well until she found a better studying habit.

"How do you study?"

The guy shrugged, "I usually use Quizlet and just look over everything."

"Yeah, well that's a horrible way to study. For me, writing everything down and looking over it everyday for maybe 20 minutes helps a lot! But I know that doesn't work for everyone."

The guy nodded, "I feel you. What's your major?"

"Biology, I'm on the Pre-Med track. What about you?"

He grabbed his chin hair, "Graphic Design, but I'm really not so sure how far I'ma go with that."

Beyoncé nodded and began to help him look over the things they needed to know for the upcoming test. By the time they were done, it was going on 1AM.

For the first time since arriving, she finally checked her phone to see the few missed calls and messages. Seeing that she had a missed call from Hov perked her up a little. She was so focused on Hov that she didn't even realize that Colin had called her as well.

"It's kinda late.." The guy said when they walked out the library. Beyoncé looked up at him as she continued walking.

"Yeah it is."

"So you think you need to be walking alone?" He asked. She smirked and shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm a big girl."

"Yeah, you don't mind me walking you do ya?"

"Not at all. I never got your name though."

The guy looked at her, "It's Chris, but you can call me CB. What's yours?"

"Beyoncé. You can call me Beyoncé."

They shared a laugh as they walked to Beyoncé's apartment which was only a few minutes off campus. She surprisingly learned a lot about Chris as they walked together.

He was a junior as well, but had taken a year off to help out with his family. His mother had recently passed so now he was back in school since he didn't have to provide for her anymore.

He was 20 years old with 19 tattoos over his body. Beyoncé found it very amusing, especially when he told her that he did most of his tattoos on his own.

"This school shit really ain't for me, but I need a better life. I'm sick of the streets." Chris vented.

"Sick of the streets?" Beyoncé questioned, "What is it that you're sick of?"

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