Chapter Twenty-Five |Part 2|

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Veronica's Pov

So that was the girl , the girl that broke my baby boy's heart . I was gonna give her a piece of my mind and god so help me .

Kayden isn't just any kid in my life . He reminds me so much of my brother whom I lost 5 years ago due to my fanily's stupid mistakes . It's one of the reasons why I got so caught up in crime and bad influence .

Kay doesn't know the extent to how much I care for him - He's very dear to me and I hate seeing him all sad and sh*t . The thought of him finding someone to love scared me at first but then her continued talking about how kind she was , and how she'd shy away from him and how he deeply regretted his past actions and attitude towards her . As he continued to express his feeling , I somehow fell for her aswell . She was exactly what he needed but of course she had to be like all the other girls and be blinded to what's right in front of her face .

I didn't know Jace well but according to the stories Kayden told he was a honest and genuine person. Kay didn't believe he'd have made the first move - so it's clear that she forced a kiss on him .

My eyes finally landed on the girl with a face as sweet as candy and heart as cold as the North Pole, her name should be ice-cream. She grinned widely as she talked to the girl next to her. I harshly tapped on her shoulder causing her neck to shoot back.

"Nathalie?" I spoke coldly triggering her to now turn her full attention to me .

"Hi do I kn-"

"Couldn't hold back the slut in you orr?" I smirked . She and her friend looked at me wide eyed but they could not bring themselves to speak.

I humorlessly laughed as realization dawned . " Wow you're hoeing around yourself so much that you don't even remember the most recent boy."

Nathalie opened her lips to speak but it immediately closed . " I don't know who you think you're talking to but you better catch yourself and my your business." The dirty blond besides her spoke .

"What? you the hoe's best friend ?" I couldn't hold my tongue .

She visible tensed at my words before storming off , calling for Ice-cream to follow behind .

Ice-cream, like the bad girl she was ignored her friend's order. "Go on! I can handle myself - this is personal." She finally spoke .

I smiled at that and waited until the friend was long gone before speaking.

"I know you forced yourself on Jace b*tch , If I ever see you around Kayden or his best friend again , I'll personally make you regret it." I said softly in ears .

I watched as her reaction changed from scarred to confused to hurt .

"You think I forced myself on Jace?" She choked out weakly . Damn this girl can act.

"So what are you saying - Jace willingly kissed you minutes after Kayden told him about his feelings for you ."

She looked down for a moment ."We got into a quarrel , he called my a b*tch and I slapped him , his tear filled eyes caught me off guard and then he kissed me . I-I didn't know what to do - I just stood there but I did push him off - I swear ."

Round of applause . That was literally the best acting I have ever seen .

"Your so pathetic , you f*cked up big time , ok just except the consequences and stop lying."

"I am telling the truth ." She shouted drawing some eyes on us ." You know what , forget it. All my life I have tried so hard for approval . I don't care anymore - I really did like Kayden y'know but he'll always believe his eyes without even asking a question."

Nathalie's Pov

Tears was now streaming down my face. The one time somebody actually liked me , someone else had to ruin that . I didn't have friends before Kayden and his group , I felt accepted for the first time . I always thought the problem was other people but turns out it's Me. I'm a people repellent.

The girl stared at me blankly as tears gushed down. I couldn't bury my feelings anymore. It was just to much. Self rejection and social rejection is too much.

Finally the girl spoke and it wasn't what I was expecting. " I don't normally like to express my feelings and all but u-um u...ghh do you want a hug?"

She didn't have to ask twice. I flung all my weight down on her and sobbed out loud. All the memories of being rejected as a child came rushing down. I was having an emotional break down.

I'm sure my make up is all smudged but I don't care. All I want is for Aubrey to carry me back home so I can cry myself to sleep."

"I'm sorry ." the girl whispered, calming me down. "What if I tell you I have a plan."

[A/N] I blame my lack of activity on school. It's only 3 weeks in and I already have 5 projects plus my teachers think it's ok to torture us with homework. Not the mention my geo teacher who is bringing a test every class .  

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