Chapter Three

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This school's map served absolutely no purpose to me , now I was five minutes late and I still couldn't find my biology class.

So distracted in trying to figure out the map I didn't realise I was nearing towards someone until I crashed into their chest, causing them to drop their phone .

Hold on a sec is that the IPhone megaX.

"Are you retarded , stop staring at my phone, pick it up and apologize ." An annoyed voice spoke causing my head the snap up. I was utterly stunned at the person above me .

He was tall, towering over my 5'6 height , just like my map , his shirt did no use, as his sculpted chest was still visible through the thin material .

His jaw sharper than the razor blade I shaved with yesterday , and talk about eyes , it had a strong earthy feel to it , both green and blue fighting for dominance .

His hair was slightly curly and a front piece hung over his face reaching past his eyebrow and above his eyes .

I went to look down at his attire again but never made it as he roughly grabbed my chin making me look into his eyes .

"What the f*ck are you looking at." His words snapped me out of my- whatever that was.

"Are you slow or something.  PICK UP THE PHONE and MOVE OUT OF WAY." He slowly pronounced each word. It was only when I heard laughter behind him that I quickly composed my shit and picked up his luckily not broken megaX off the floor and handed it it him.

He 'Mhm'ed in response and I heard someone giggling in the background.

Only then did I notice Aubrey and some  other students

The rude boy seeming tired of his interaction with me, walked off and so did the others except one boy , He had blond slicked hair and a nice pair of dark blue eyes and a sympathetic smile on his face .

"Sorry about him ." he said rubbing his neck sheepishly .

I simply just nodded keeping my head down and scrambled to class , well the other hallway looking for class . Not even an hour in and I have humiliated myself.

After a good few minutes I gave up and returned to the front office where I asked the same receptionist to escort me to my class .

Turns out it was right outside where the mean boy threw me down and some students had seen .

As I entered people started whispering. From what I had heard, word had spread about the throwing down that boy's phone.

"Quiet down everyone , This is your new classmate Ms.Natalie Riley..

I looked around and saw a good bit of empty seats all in the back so I took the furthest one , not wanting to be near those disrespectful humans. 

Throughout the entire class I hadn't understand one thing that was said , first off I was three weeks late into this class and plus the work here appeared to be more academically advanced compared to my last school.

With the ring of the bell everyone scattered outside and just as I was about to do the same I was called back by the teacher .

I look a seat in the front row and waited for him to speak , "This school is a tad different from all your others  , On the first day of school you would be sent to your grade class where you meet your grade teacher and classmates ,

Those classmate will always have to same class as you , unless you asked to be switched into another subject or teacher's class . Seeing that you have arrived late in the term , I can organize a student who will be in all your classes to tutor you the subjects."

"On your schedule you will see that every morning upon arriving you must head to your grade class where you can sign a roll and just communicate with your teacher until another bell rings and you and your class can proceed to your at the moment subject class . But sadly your grade teacher Ms.Emerson has taken the week , but from Monday morning you will be following that schedule ."

"Thank you sir ." I spoke with my head down as usual and gushed out the classroom , For the next class I actually arrived early as I started to figure out the different rooms.

Soon the bell rang and in walked the teacher with a few students trailing behind , overall we waited a good  five minutes for the others to come in and she started the class .

I found it odd that this class had 6 empty seats like the last class , that probably meant those students were skipping all together .

After another pointless class , the bell for break rang and everyone parted off with a friend . I stood out like a strawberry in a bowl of apples .

I literally had no where to go so I sauntered down the hall hoping someone would approach asking to be friends or at least I would find a room I can pass my time in.

I stuck out like a sore thumb here. The amount of curious glances and whisperes were beyond me.

I had reached the end of the hall and still had not find a suitable class to obtain my time , I thought I would have to sit in a toilet stall until a sign caught my eyes .

Senior Library .

Yes I could scream with joy , but I refrained myself as I would look crazier than the students already thought I am .



I hope the grade class and teacher doesn't confuse you , that's how we do it in Trinidad and Tobago except we call grade - form .For e.g we go to our form class after assembly (but they won't have assembly ) and we take roll until a bell rings and a teacher comes to our class or we proceed to them .

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