The End

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Emma: Hey, Neal. How's it going?
Neal: Emma! Wait... are you already dead?
Emma: I came down here to bring you back, if you didn't want to stay.
Neal:  I mean, do you want me to stay?
Emma: I don't know. Are you happy?
Neal: Yes, but if you want me back, I will come.
Emma: Wait... You said it was amazing here, right?
Neal: Yeah?
Emma: Maybe we can convince Zeus to let us stay here forever.
Neal: That's actually a great idea.
Emma: I'll talk to him alright.

(Emma leaves the conversation)

Zeus: If you want you and your friends to be able to go to heaven, they must be willing to give up their dark power.
Emma: Okay, that sounds easy enough. I'll bring them over.

(Emma brings them over.)

Emma: So if you want to go to heaven, you have to let go of the darkness alright?
Regina: I'll do it.
Zelena: Can we still be queens there?
Zeus: And you will all have magic. Light magic.
Rumple: Are you sure we can trust him?
Zeus: If you are not happy here, I can't call it heaven.
Rumple: Alright.
Neal: Great! Happiness awaits.
Everyone: To a happily ever after!

And they lived happily ever after.

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