An Apple Red as Blood

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SCENE: , The Mayor's . and eat dinner. The doorbell rings.

Regina: I don't recall us expecting any company. (Doorbell rings again. Regina goes to the door, opens it to reveal ) Sheriff Swan. What are you doing here?
Emma: Henry invited me.
Regina: Do you honestly believe I'd allow you into my house, for dinner, after all the threats you made to my family?
Emma: I didn't come for dinner.
Regina: Then what did you come for?
Emma: You. (Regina looks behind her; no Henry.) We all did. (Now, , , , , and all stand at the door. Regina backs away and turns around, but Henry is at the top of the stairs, holding a rope coil.)
Regina: Henry. (Cut to: A Tree in Storybrooke. Archie and Ruby tie up Regina. A vigilante mob watches, comprised of the crowd at the door plus and the counterparts of the other Seven . Granny and two of the no-names hold torches.) No. No. Let me go.
Ruby: I command it. For everything you've done to us.
Archie: Apologies, Your Majesty, but my conscience is clear!
Leroy: You're not Queen anymore, sister!
Granny: Tighter! She needs to feel our pain!
Mary Margaret: You took our love and ripped it apart!
David Nolan: And now you're gonna pay.
Emma: (Plucks a black apple from the tree. Squashes it in her hand, releasing an inordinate amount of black juice. Regina squeals.) Rotten to the core.
Regina: I just wanted to win. For once.
Emma: (Grabs Regina's chin.) You took away our happiness, and it's our turn to take away yours. (Approaches David Nolan, who pulls a out of nowhere and gives it to her.)
Regina: What? Henry. Henry, please don't let them do this to me.
Henry: You did this to yourself. (Emma swings the sword. Regina, who has been dreaming this the entire time, wakes up in nightclothes, gasping. She checks on Henry, but is fooled by some propped-up sheets and a flashlight. Satisfied, she goes back to bed.)

SCENE: Storybrooke, Road. Emma is driving Henry out of town.

Henry: Is that all your stuff?
Emma: All I need.
Henry: Wait, you wanna go now? We're leaving—now.
Emma: Uh-huh. I'm getting you out of here, away from all this. Away from her.
Henry: No, no, stop the car! You can't leave Storybrooke: you have to break the curse!
Emma: No, I don't. I have to help you.
Henry: But you're a hero; you can't run! You have to help everybody!
Emma: Henry, I know it's hard for you to see it, but I'm just doing what's best for you. That's what you wanted when you brought me to Storybrooke.
Henry: But the ! You're the only chance to bring back the happy endings.
Emma: Henry... (Henry spots a Leaving Storybrooke sign. Suddenly, he grabs the wheel and the car spins out of control.) Henry! Henry—what were you doing? You could have gotten us killed!
Henry: Please! Please don't make me go! We can't go! Everything's here: me, your parents, your family? Please. They need you; your family needs you.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest, King George's Castle, Courtyard. Two guards are restraining .

: Do you really think that I would let you get away? Hmm? You had quite the adventure since then.
Prince Charming: Whatever it is you're going to do to me, get on with it!
King George: (The guards haul Prince Charming to his feet.) I took you in as my son, and you betrayed me! I would have given you everything: crown, kingdom. All you had to do was marry King Midas' daughter. But you decided to follow "true love."
Prince Charming: Losing my life for love? That's a sacrifice I am happy to make.
King George: As you wish. (The two guards drag Prince Charming over to an anachronistic guillotine. King George sits on a golden throne that has been set up across from it for the occasion.) Release the blade. (The executioner pulls a cord and the blade falls, but halfway down it turns to water and splashes harmlessly on Prince Charming's neck. King George rises.) What is the meaning of this?
(Enter Regina with two of her soldiers.)

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