7:15 A.M.

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Henry: What are you doing here?
Stranger: Fixing my bike.
Henry: No, I mean in .
Stranger: Just visiting.
Henry: (Looking at a large case on the back of the motorcycle) What's that?
Stranger: A box.
Henry: What's inside it?
Stranger: Just something I need to do what I came here for. (Regina exits the house and pauses upon noticing Henry talking to the Stranger, who gets on his motorcycle)
Henry: I thought you were just visiting.
Stranger: Doesn't mean I don't have something to do. (Thunder rumbles and the Stranger starts his motorcycle)
Regina: Henry?
Stranger: You better get to school. (Regina starts down the path to the sidewalk) Looks like a storm's coming. (Drives off)
Regina: Henry, who was that? (Henry shrugs)

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. . , eating breakfast, walks over to the table and sits down.

Man on TV: Top of the morning, this is chief meteorologist Bill Gozen with your up-to-the-minute Storybrooke weather. Well, break out those galoshes, folks, it's gonna get soggy. We've got a major storm system moving down the coast. (Mary Margaret rushes in, toothbrush in her mouth) The latest Doppler shows the worst band of precipitation moving is into Storybrooke right about the time you're putting the kids to...
: (spitting toothpaste into the kitchen sink) I can't believe I overslept. (She rushes about, getting ready to leave)
Emma: It's only 7:10. You've got plenty of time to get to school.
Mary Margaret: No, I have to be there at 7:15! Science fair. I'm helping the kids with their project before school.
Emma: I'm sure if you're five minutes late, they'll live.
Mary Margaret: We're making a volcano. (She leaves)
Emma: Okay.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. . Mary Margaret, walking quickly, enters and sits down. She removes her hat and, using a spoon as a mirror, adjusts her hair. She gazes at the clock for a moment, and enters. She quickly picks up her book, by , and pretends to read. David walks up to the counter.

Ruby: (Putting coffees down on the counter) One cream and sugar. One black.
David: (Handing Ruby money) Thank you. (He glances at Mary Margaret and takes his coffees, heading toward the door. He pauses at Mary Margaret's table) Good morning.
Mary Margaret: Morning!
David: Uh, I should go. I'm gonna be late for work.
Mary Margaret: Oh, the , right? How's that going?
David: Well, the apes haven't taken over.
Mary Margaret: Yet.
David: (Laughs) Not on my watch. (He leaves. The camera pans to him walking up to his car and giving a coffee to , kissing her cheek)
Emma: This is making a volcano? (Sits across from Mary Margaret)
Mary Margaret: I was--
Emma: I get it.
Mary Margaret: He comes here every morning at 7:15 A.M. to get coffee.
Emma: For him and his wife.
Mary Margaret: I know, I know, I know. I just like to... come here to see him.
Emma: So, you're a stalker?
Mary Margaret: No, not really. (Emma gives her a look) Maybe a little bit. And it's not like I'm following him. I just know that he spends his mornings with Kathryn, gets coffee, then drives to the animal shelter to start work at 7:30, and then he's home around 5:00.
Emma: Oh, is that all?
Mary Margaret: Thursdays they pick up Chinese for dinner. (Emma gives a sympathetic look) I can't get him out of my head.
Emma: I know. Maybe the first step is not showing up here tomorrow.
Mary Margaret: Love's the worst. I wish there was a magic cure. (Emma nods in agreement)

SCENE: The . Past. The forest. holds a spear at the ready, preparing to throw it a wild turkey. Suddenly, the turkey flies off, and approaches.

Red: Hey! It's me.
Snow White: Red.
Red: The spear, Snow.
Snow White: (Lowers the spear) Oh. Sorry. I wasn't expecting you for a month.
Red: It's been a month.
Snow White: Has it?
Red: You're really taking well to the solitude, aren't ya?
Snow White: It's fine. It's exactly what I wanted, to be out here, away.
Red: And that you are. (Giving Snow White her basket) Here you go.
Snow White: Thank you. So.... How are things back in the world?
Red: Come on. Ask what you really want.
Snow White: I don't know what you mean. (Red gives her a look) Okay, fine. Tell me.
Red: The wedding's happening. Prince James is marrying Midas' daughter... in two days' time. (Snow White looks shocked) You okay?
Snow White: I just thought, the longer I was out here, the easier it would be to for get him, but... Instead, all I do is think about him.
Red: I'm sorry.
Snow White: I wish there was a way to get him out of my head. (Red makes a face) What? Is there?
Red: Of course not. I mean, that would--
Snow White: Red, what do you know? (Red makes a face) Come on, I helped you when no one else would. What do you know?
Red: Well... There are whispers—Whispers of a man who can achieve even the most unholy of requests, a man who can do what you ask.
Snow White: Who is this man?

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