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"Once Upon A TimeThere was an filled with all the classic characters we know.Or think we know.One day they found themselves trapped in a where all their happy endings were stolen..This is how it happened."SCENE: The Enchanted Forest. Past. Prince Charming  is riding through the land on a steed. He comes upon the Forest, and sees Snow white's glass coffin , surrounded by the Seven dwarfs. Snow White has been under Regina's (the evil queen's curse.) He has come to try to save her.

Doc: You're too late.
Prince Charming: No. No! Open it.
Doc: I'm sorry, she's gone.
Prince Charming: At least let me say goodbye. (The dwarves remove the coffin lid. Prince Charming kisses Snow White, and there is a pulse in the air. Snow White awakens with a gasp)
Snow White: You... you found me.
Prince Charming: Did you ever doubt I would?
Snow White: Truthfully? The glass coffin gave me pause.
Prince Charming: Well, you never have to worry, I will always find you.
Snow White: Do you promise? (The scene transitions to their wedding)
Prince Charming: I do.
Bishop: And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?
Snow White: I do.
Bishop: I now pronounce you husband and wife. (The audience cheers and as the newlyweds kiss, the enters. The cheering stops)
Evil Queen: Sorry I'm late. (She crosses the room, dispelling guards with magic)
Doc: It's the Queen! Run!
Snow White: (Drawing and pointing it at the Queen) She's not a queen anymore! She's nothing more than an evil witch!
Prince Charming: No no no, don't stoop to her level, there's no need. (He lowers the sword) You're wasting your time, you've already lost. And I will not let you ruin this wedding.
Evil Queen: Oh, I haven't come here to ruin anything. On the contrary, dear, I've come to give you a gift.
Snow White: We want nothing from you.
Evil Queen: But you shall have it. My gift to you is this happy, happy day. For tomorrow, my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine. Soon, everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever. And out of your suffering will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do. (She turns and walks towards the door)
Prince Charming: Hey! (The Queen turns, and Prince Charming throws his sword at her. She disappears in a cloud of smoke, as does the sword. As Snow White and Prince Charming hold each other, the scene transforms into a drawing in a held by , riding a bus)
Woman: That a good book?
Henry: This... it's more than just a book.
Woman: Oh. (chuckles)
Announcer: Boston sub-station. Thank you for riding Greyhound. (Henry gets off the bus and knocks on the window of a taxi. The driver rolls down the window)
Henry: Uh, do you take credit cards? (holds one up)
Cabbie: Where to, chief?

SCENE: . Present. An upscale restaurant. arrives and walks through the restaurant. She comes to 's table, he stands and extends his hand) Emma is Snow White and Prince Charming's daughter. She was sent into the normal world through a wardrobe to protect her from the curse. So, Emma never had a family and grew up as an orphan who always wanted a family and love. Today is her birthday, and since she has no friends and no family, she is spending it with a date. She has also grown up with  a superpower, that she can tell whenever someone's lying.

Ryan: Emma.
Emma: Ryan? You look relieved.
Ryan: Well, it is the Internet. Pictures can be...
Emma: Fake. Out-dated. Stolen from the Victoria's Secret catalogue. So...
Ryan: So... tell me something about yourself, Emma.
Emma: Oh... Uh, well, today's my birthday.
Ryan: And you're spending it with me? What about your friends?
Emma: Kind of a loner.
Ryan: And... you don't like your family?
Emma: No family to like.
Ryan: Aw. Come on, everyone has family.
Emma: Technically, yeah, but not everyone knows who they are. Ready to run yet?
Ryan: Oh, not a chance. You, Emma, are, by far, the sexiest friendless orphan that I have ever met.
Emma: Okay! Your turn. No, wait, let me guess. Um... you are handsome, charming...
Ryan: Go on.
Emma: The kind of guy who... and now, stop me if I get this wrong, embezzled from your employer, got arrested, and skipped town before they were able to throw your ass in jail.
Ryan: What?
Emma: And the worst part of all this is your wife. Your wife loves you so much that she bailed you out, and how do you repay that loyalty? You're on a date.
Ryan: Who are you?
Emma: The chick who put up the rest of the money.
Ryan: The bails bondsman.
Emma: Bail bondsperson. (Ryan flips the table and runs out of the restaurant, out into the street and to his car. Emma walks calmly after him. Ryan gets into his car and starts it, but it goes nowhere. He opens the door to discover that his car has been booted. Emma walks up)
Ryan: You don't have to do this, okay? I can pay you, I've got money.
Emma: No you don't. And if you did you should give it to your wife and take care of your family.
Ryan: The hell do you know about family, huh?
Emma: (She slams his head against the steering wheel) Nothing.

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