The Perfect Moment

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(The next morning, Emma wakes up early and drives over to Regina's house. Emma then throws a rock at his window from the car and turns on her waki taki.)
Emma: Hey kid, could you meet me at Granny's in ten?
Henry: Why so early?
Emma: Your mom is not awake, is she?
Henry: No.
Emma: Great, because I need to talk with you urgently.
Henry: I'll be there in fifteen.
Emma: See you there.
Henry: Mom, can I have breakfast at Granny's with Emma? Look, I know you don't like it when I visit her, but I love her too.
Regina: I don't, but I will let you go, but only because I love you and I want you to be happy, so from now on, you may see her once a day. Are you sure you want it to be now?
Henry: Defiantly, mom. Thank you! And hey, soon maybe you'll let go of the Mary Margaret issue and you can be good.
Regina: Don't push it.
(Henry surprises Regina with a hug and runs out of the door. He notices Emma waiting for him.)
Emma: I realized that it would be easier to just wait for you and go together.
Henry: Okay, so what do I need to know?
Emma: Mr. Gold gave me the answer we were looking for.
Henry: You mean there's a way to remove Regina's magic?
Emma: I have just the thing.
Henry: What was the price?
Emma: He says I have magic and I'm supposed to use it to bring back her memories.
Henry: Belle.
Emma: How'd you know?
Henry: Rumplestiltskin has always had a thing for her.
Emma: I did not expect to hear that. I just thought he wanted something out of her.
Henry: Not everything in his life is a deal.
Emma: I thought it was.
Henry: Anyway, what's this magic thing? Emma: If you place this cuff around her wrist, her magic will cease to work. You just need to get it on her.
Henry: Awesome. I guess I just need to find the perfect moment.
( The scene switches to Regina walking down to where David and Mary Margaret are. )
Regina: Congratulations David! Today is your jailbreak!
Mary Margaret: What about me?
Regina: You stay here. I realized the only way I can make you two suffer is for you to be in jail without your true love. That way, you'll be all alone. And you, my dear, will be constantly, oh so worried about her and plus, now you two can no longer plot against me anymore.
David: This is just great.
Mary Margaret: Don't focus on saving me, focus on stopping her.
David: But you could get hurt!
Mary Margaret: I'll be fine. Once you win this battle, you can easily set me free.
David: If she tries to hurt you...
Mary Margaret: You'll find me, I know.
David: Good, never forget that.
Mary Margaret: Never.
David: I promise to come back to you.
Mary Margaret: I'm not worried, and I believe in you. I always will.
David: I know.
Regina: While this is sweet, it is also annoying so get out of my sight David.
David: Goodbye.
Mary Margaret: I'll be fine.
Regina: Ugh!
David: (whispers) I'll bring you Granny's.
Mary Margaret: (whispers)Can you bring me back a wire of some kind?
David: (whispers) Of course.
Regina: If you don't leave now I'll kill her. Then you. Then her again. Then, you won't be able to wake each other up cause you'll both be dead.
David: I get it, I get it, I'll go.
Regina: Good, because I have some business to attend to.
(The scene switches to Henry leaving Granny's with the cuff. He sees Regina coming, so he hides it in his backpack so she won't see.)
Regina: Why aren't you in school by now? You're late.
Henry: I still have to go to school?
Regina: Of course you do!
Henry: But Mary Margaret won't be there.
Regina: We have a new teacher. Just because she's gone, does not mean you stop learning.
Henry: Maybe you could homeschool me.
Regina: I wish I could too, but I have no experience in the area of teaching.
Henry: I thought you were smart.
Regina: I am.
Henry: Then wouldn't this be a better way for me to learn? You can even help me work on the things I struggle on.
Regina: Is this just a wild attempt to escape a grounding for not going to school?
Henry: Maybe?
Regina: Don't worry, I won't ground you, but you still have to make it to the classes you can.
Henry: Alright. Thanks.
Regina: No problem.
(Henry looks at the cuff and thinks about putting it on her, but he feels bad and decides to leave her be for now.)
(Back in The Enchanted Forest, while this is happening.)
Cora (Regina's mom.): Do you have a way for me to get into Storybrooke? I need to speak to my daughter.
Killian (Hook): As long as you deliver the dark one to me, we have a deal.
Cora: Alright.
(The scene switches back to Storybrooke. Henry is at school looking at the cuff during a class. Now he doesn't know whether or not he wants to do this to Regina.)
Henry (into his waki taki): I'm not sure if I want to take Regina's powers away.
(Emma is in the car right outside the school with hers.)
Emma: Why? Isn't she the Evil Queen?
Henry: She's changing. I can feel it.
Emma: You are the one person she loves. Of course she'll be nice to you.
Henry: She might even let Mary Margaret go.
Emma: She's bluffing.
Henry: Just because she's doing something nice, doesn't mean she's lying.
Emma: According to what I know, it does.
Henry: But I knew her before I found this fairytale book. When I just thought of her as my mom, she was nice. She was actually really nice. Maybe even a little bit like you.
Emma: Me and her are nothing alike.
Henry: Oh, yeah? You are both dedicated to protecting me, you are both stubborn, you can both be annoying and overly suspicious... Shall I go on?

Emma: Fine. If you will not put this cuff on your mother's wrist, I will.

Henry: But she can change.

Emma: We already gave her many chances to change, but she refuses every time. Sometimes  you need to face reality.

Henry: Fine, I won't stop you, but you can't make me do it.

Emma:This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

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