The Saddest Chapter...

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I don't know what I think about this story. I started writing this story obsessed with Once Upon A Time. I could think of so many adventures that these characters could have, and I didn't even know where to start. I went back reading the parts, thinking to myself, what went wrong? 

I wanted this to be good, and I wanted people to enjoy it, but honestly, I think my story is bad. I started drifting away from Once Upon a Time during and after watching the last season. I guess you could say that it was loosing it's magic. My story may have started as a good idea, but now I'm just looking for a good way to end it. To those who thought it was good, I'm sorry, but it's soon coming to an end. A happy end.

 I wasn't satisfied with the last episode of the series because Regina never found love. I mean, love was the reason why she hated Snow White. Love was the reason she gave up evil. All she ever wanted was true love. It was her motivation for pretty much everything she did. So now, the character is a little empty because she seems satisfied with just being queen. Even her son is  closer to Emma Swan than her, and that's why she hated her.

So although I loved the series, I quickly got carried away from it. I think it is amazing, and everyone should watch it, but I'm stuck now. I can get why I became obsessed with it, but I can't come up with too good of a story. 

Okay, don't get me wrong, although I'm saying that it got old, I still love it. Currently, it has become less of a passion, but I still enjoy it.

I'm so sorry if I disappointed anyone, but this story isn't the best.

But I guess I shouldn't hit myself too hard, because this is the first one I posted.

I love you and hope you are all successful writers, and for some reason I feel bad for writing how I feel.

P.S. I will still love and cherish OUAT but I think my writing needs to go where my heart lies. Again, I apologize.

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