Meanwhile/Awkward Conversations

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(Regina, Zelena, and Robin Hood are traveling through town looking for something to eat.)

Zelena: I have no idea where we're going.

Robin Hood: Don't worry, I know the best eating places around here.

Regina: I guess we are just used to being queens and not having to go shopping to get what we want.

Zelena: We weren't queens ALL our life.

Regina: Long enough. Meanwhile, Robin over here has to get food by any means necessary in order to survive.

Robin Hood: Hey, I'm not that poor!

Regina: Not in your neighborhood.

Robin Hood: Okay, I'm poor, but you guys are stupid rich.

Regina: When we had a kingdom, yes.

Robin Hood: Well, if you two are finished bragging about your riches, I've found a good place.

Regina: There are so many people here!

Robin Hood: That's because it's popular. I get the impression that you and Zelena mostly eat in solitude.

Regina: I always ate dinner with a Henry, whether it be my father, or my son.

Zelena: What's even on the menu.

Robin Hood: Relax, I'll order for you.

Stanger: It's the evil queen! Run!

(Everyone starts running away.)

Regina: To be honest, I'm surprised they did not notice sooner.

Zelena: Oh, come on. All I wanted to do was eat. I guess we'll just head back.

(Zelena brings the crew back in a green poof because she is growing impatient.)

Regina: I'm not supposed to use magic!

Zelena: YOU didn't.

Emma: Um, hi. We are going to use magic beans to raise Neal from the dead. Wanna come?

Regina: I don't know.

Robin Hood: It'll be fun.

Zelena: I don't think we should.

Regina: Don't worry about it. What are you even scared of?

Emma: We just need one more bean.

(Meanwhile, Hook is eyeing something in his palm.)

Hook's Point Of View:
I think this Emma Swan is kinda cute. I should probably give the magic bean to her. But... she is going to use it to bring back her previous boyfriend. It would be a nice gesture, though. But they might get married. Shut up inner voice. Oh, come on. Like the Savior would want to be with a pirate. I said SHUT UP! He is even Henry's father. I guess there's just no way to shut up inner thoughts. Fine, whatever, give it to her. Good inner voice.

Emma's Point Of View: What is in Hook's hand! He has been eyeing it for the past two minutes. Oh wait... I can't believe that I have been eyeing him for the past two ( and a half now) minutes! I can't say he's not cute.

Back to third person:

Hook: It's a magic bean!

Emma: Woah, are you reading my mind?

Hook: No. You have just been eyeing me for the last three minutes.

Emma: How could you tell? I thought you were focused on the bean.

Hook: I can tell when someone's watching me.

Emma: Can I have the bean?

Hook: Alright, but don't cut me from the group right after.

Emma: Why would I cut you? Your pirating skills can be very useful.

Hook: They are legendary.

Emma: We'll see about that.

Hook's Point Of View
Well, that didn't go too well. I don't think she likes me.

Emma's Point Of View
That went okay. I think he likes me!

Snow's Point Of View
I feel awkward. Emma has both beans, but seems to have forgotten about Neal. It's only a matter of time until his body rots and he is not able to come back. I should tell her, but I don't want to be weird.

Rumplestiltskin: I Emma better hurry up. My son's life is in the balance.

Back to third person:

Emma: Sorry, um... thanks for the bean Hook and we gotta go.

(Emma throws the bean into the ground and they enter the underworld.)

David: Now everyone, think underworld and we'll be there.

(They enter the underworld.)

Emma: This place looks like an orangish Storybrooke.

Regina: I didn't purposely design Storybrooke like hell.

David: Have we all forget why we are here?

David's Point Of View
This place seems really sketchy. I don't trust it. I wish there could be a way we could just grab Neal and get out of here.

Snow's Point Of View
David seems suspiciously nervous.
Snow: Are you scared?
David: No.
Snow: You sure?
David: I don't trust this place.

Emma's Point Of View
We need to move fast. Maybe someone in the underworld can help us. Emma: (Shouts to the sky) Um hello? Spirit in the Sky! Can you hear us?

Hades: Yes. I can hear you.

Emma: Who are you?

Hades: I am Hades.

I thought hades was bad guy.

Emma: Can we talk to Zeus?

Hades: You are here for your friend, am I wrong?

Emma: Is there a way to bring him back?

Hades: What makes you think I'd want to give up one of my people?

Emma: Okay, so it's like that. Can I speak to Zeus?

Hades: No.

Zeus: Sorry about HADES. I think maybe we can work something out.

Hades: YOU do not get to take my dead.

Zeus: I'll make sure some almost dead guy takes his place. Anyways, Emma. What is your bargain.

I hadn't really thought about that.

Emma: Is there anything we can do to bring him back?

Zeus: Well, now that you mention it...

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