The Shepard

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SCENE: . Present. and are standing outside their .

Kathryn: You know, you had the same look on your face before we bought it, too. You couldn't see past the ugly windmill on the lawn. And said you'd never buy an old lady house. Do you remember what made you change your mind?
David: I see the windmill's gone.
Kathryn: Come on. Everyone's waiting.
David: Who's everyone? (They enter the house.)
Kathryn: (Inside, everyone is cheering.) This is Gene.
Gene: Good to see you, David.
David: How are you doing?
Kathryn: And this is Ellen, his wife.
David: Ellen, hi.
Ellen: Good to see you, too.
Kathryn: And Frank.
Frank: Welcome home, David.
David: Hey.
: Hey.
Kathryn: Dr. Whale.
Dr. Whale: Hi, David.
David: Hi.
Dr. Whale: Look, I know this is a lot, but it's good for you. The smallest things can trigger your memories. Just try and have fun.
David: Thanks you Dr. Whale. I'll do my best.
: (in another part of the room) You know why he doesn't remember? The isn't working on him yet.
: Henry, David has amnesia.
Henry: Which is preventing the curse from replacing his fairy tale story with fake memories.
Emma: Right, because everyone here has fake stories that prevent them from remembering who they really are.
Henry: Right, and now is our chance to help him. We just have to get him to remember that he's—
Emma: He's .
Henry: We just have to jog his memory by getting him and together.
Emma: Didn't we just try that?
Henry: And it woke him up.
David: Hey. You're the ones who saved me, right?
Emma: Yeah, I guess.
David: And, uh, you're also the only one's I know here.
Emma: You can hide with us.
David: Fantastic. (He accepts some food from a tray, stabbing it with a toothpick and twirling it.) Thanks you.
Henry: So, you ever use a sword?
David: (laughs) I'm sorry? Emma? You live with Mary Margaret, right? You know if she's coming tonight?
Emma: No, she couldn't make it.
David: Oh.
Regina: (in the kitchen with Kathryn) You should go out there. There's plenty of food. Go. Be with you husband.
Kathryn: I lost him once. Now I have him back. But it's like I still don't have him back. You have no idea how that feels.
Regina: Actually, I do. I lost someone once too.
Kathryn: Really?
Regina: Yes. But the love I lost, there's no bringing him back. You have a chance here. Go to him.
Kathryn: You're right. And, Regina, thank you. Thank you for being such a good friend. It's been so lonely. I'm not used to having one.
Regina: Neither am I.
Kathryn: Well, like it or not, you have one now. (She leaves the kitchen and walks up to Emma.) Have you seen David?
Emma: Um, he... (She look at Dr. Whale.)
Dr. Whale: No.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. David spots Mary Margaret trying to hang a birdhouse on a tree outside.

David: Did you not get the invite?
Mary Margaret: David.
David: Here. (He hangs up the birdhouse.) So I heard you resigned from the hospital. Was it me? Because of what I told you. About how I felt. About you. Come on. Don't tell me it's one-sided.
Mary Margaret: You're married. It should be no-sided.
David: What is should be doesn't matter. Whoever married Kathryn, it's not me. I didn't choose her. I'm choosing you. Now I know you feel it. I can tell.
Mary Margaret: I know you think that we have this connection, but maybe it's because I happened to be the person who saved your life? So why don't we leave it at that. (She walks away.)

SCENE: . Past. is fighting a . The Behemoth throws Prince James over its head, and Prince James pretends to be dead. When it attacks, Prince James rolls out of the way and stabs the Behemoth with his sword.

Prince James: Next time, make sure I'm really dead. (The Behemoth falls.)
: Well done. (rises)
: Well done? There's an understatement. (rises) You see what my son did to that brute? He just killed the unkillable.
King Midas: A valiant feat for sure. But it is still just a man. Can he do the same with a dragon?
King George: Do sprinkle dust? Do live under bridges?
Prince James: Father, relax. I can kill whatever beast you set after me.
King Midas: My kingdom is plagued by a dragon like nothing you've ever faced before. He has killed every warrior that's tried to slay him.
Prince James: He has yet to face me.
King Midas: My kingdom needs this threat vanquished.
King George: And my kingdom needs gold. I'm sure we can work something out.
King Midas: (He holds up his glove and someone removes it.) Careful. Remember what happened to . (To James) Your sword. (Prince James holds out his sword and King Midas turns it to gold.) Consider it a down payment. You'll get the rest when you deliver the dragon's head to me.
Prince James: It's a deal. Forgive me if I refuse to shake on it, King Midas.
King Midas: (laughs) Come. Let's discuss the details. (King Midas and King George walk away.)
Burly Knight: A toast to our fearless prince!
Men: Yeah!
Prince James: No. There's no celebrating today. This was but a simple test. The task before us it too big, too important to make light of. Just because I was easily able to kill this brute doesn't mean- (The Behemoth reaches up and stabs Prince James. Prince James falls. The knights gather around him.)

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