What Happened to Frederick

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SCENE: The , Road outside a Castle. A carriage with palace guards brings to . She steps down from the carriage.

King George: Princess Abigail. Your beauty grows with each passing day. It is an honor to have you join my family.
Abigail: Thank you, Your Majesty.
Guard: Let's go! (Cavalry gallops away.)
Abigail: Is everything okay?
King George: Just the excitement of the royal wedding. We want to ensure the safety of our guests. So, if you'll excuse me. (Bows. Approaches guard and speaks to him.) Find him. (Guard nods.)

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest, Road. bursts from a group of trees and rides as fast as he can.

Prince Charming: Hyah! (Guards on horseback erupt from the trees and follow him.) Hyah! (One guard fires bolts at him from a crossbow. With a grunt, Prince Charming jumps a fallen tree in the road. The horsemen behind him pull up short, unable to do the same.)
Guard: Go around! Go! (They do. When they get to the other side, Prince Charming is nowhere to be found.)Split up! (Prince Charming, already dismounted and standing off the road, watches the party take both forks and turns around. Two men in purple cloaks capture him.)

SCENE: Storybrooke, 's House. He and eat dinner.

David: (Indicating food) Chicken's delicious.
Kathryn: David, there's something we need to discuss.
David: Okay.
Kathryn: I applied to law school.
David: That's amazing! Why didn't you ever tell me?
Kathryn: I don't know. Maybe because I didn't think I could actually do it? But I did. (Hands David a letter) I got this today. (He opens it.) I got in.
David: It—it's... in... Boston.
Kathryn: I know things have been hard between us. But maybe a fresh start is what we need. Maybe we've been fighting too hard to recapture old memories when—we should have been making new ones instead.

SCENE: The Enchanted Forest, Road. Prince Charming's captors unmask him.

Prince Charming: Who are you? (Man hefts dagger) What are you waiting for? Do you think I fear you? (Man cuts Prince Charming's bonds. Princess Abigail leads a horse to the man.) Abigail? What are you doing here?
Princess Abigail: I wanted to get my hands on you before your father ripped you to shreds.
Prince Charming: How did you know I was going--
Princess Abigail: Because I have ears in the 's court. And despite everyone's best efforts to shield me from it, I know the truth. You love ... and you have no intention of marrying me.
Prince Charming: I won't marry someone I don't love... or give that despot the satisfaction that I helped him. If that means suffering the consequences, so be it.
Princess Abigail: You're prepared to lay down your life. How charming. But I didn't come here to see you die. I came here to help you escape.
Prince Charming: Why would you do anything to help me?
Princess Abigail: Because I don't wanna marry you either.

SCENE: Storybrooke, street, night. Mary Margaret gets closes a car door. David Nolan is there.

: What did you tell ?
David: (They walk) That I needed to take a walk, clear my head, think about it.
Mary Margaret: I'm guessing you didn't tell her that the walk was with me.
David: No. No, of course not.
Mary Margaret: (Bitterly) Why is that our default? (They exchange glances) Lying.
David: Because, I don't--
Mary Margaret: We're not being honest. I know it's hard, but—we have to tell her the truth! About everything: about us... (David has stopped walking; Mary Margaret turns around to look at him)
David: I don't know if I can.
Mary Margaret: (Pause.) You have to. If we can't be honest with other people, how can we be honest with each other?
David: Is it really the best plan?
Mary Margaret: What's your plan? (David shrugs. They continue walking) Moving to Boston? The only way no one gets hurt here if we don't want to be together. Is that what you want?
David: No.
Mary Margaret: Then we have to stop hiding and do something. It's better she hears it from you than from someone else. (David nods.) You have to make a choice.
David: (Sighs) I choose.. you.
Mary Margaret: (Nods) Then it's time to tell Kathryn. (exit Mary Margaret.)

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