The Sacrifice

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SCENE: Back in Storybrooke after they found Neal.

Regina: You guys came back faster than I thought.

Emma: Okay, now lift the spell.

Regina: Curse. When will you ever get it right?

Emma: Okay... curse.

Regina: (Rubbing her hands together) Who's the sacrifice?

Emma: Sacrifice? No one told me we needed a sacrifice to break the curse!

Regina: Well, since true love's kiss didn't work, the only way to break this curse is to... make another curse that gives back everyone's memories and takes us to the Enchanted Forest.

Emma's P.O.V.

I need somebody to explain to me how this whole curse thing works. And how do I save everyone in this town without having to sacrifice anyone? I think she wants to sacrifice me.

(Back to third person)

Regina: One of the ingredients in the curse is the crushed heart of the person you love most.

Emma: Is this a trick? Do you just want me to kill myself?

Regina: Henry?

Henry: She's right. That is the price.

Regina: I'm not saying that the sacrifice shouldn't be you, because you are the savior, after all.

Emma: Maybe you're right.

Neal: Emma, I can't let you do this. The sacrifice should be me.

Mr. Gold: The only reason I even gave Regina the curse was so I could find you! I'm not letting you go.

Neal: Emma, I told you I would make up for leaving you.

Emma: I already forgive you, you don't have to do this.

Regina: We could sacrifice Mary Margret if you would like.

Emma: We are NOT sacrificing Mary Margret.

Regina: Then how about David?

Emma: Why don't we sacrifice you?

Regina: Ha, ha. As if. To you it might sound like the perfect solution, but there's just one problem. Nobody loves me more than anyone else.

Emma: Good job. You are the most unloved person in Storybrooke.

Regina: And it pays off!

Neal: I love you, and I completely screwed up your life, and probably Henry's.

Emma: Don't say that!

Neal: I promised I would make it up to you. Maybe this is the way.

Emma: There must be a way where nobody dies.

Regina: Are you sure you want to do this?

Neal: I have to.

Emma: How did you just take his heart out of his chest?!

Regina: Never mind how I took out the heart, what matters is, are you going to crush it?

Neal: If you won't do it for yourself, do it for your family.

Emma: I don't even know if what you say is true! I don't know if what any of you say is true!

Neal: Would I sacrifice my life just to lie?

Emma: You might think it's true.

Henry: It's all true.

Regina: Yeah, it is.

Emma: Well, he's not the person I love most, so it won't work.

Mr. Gold: But he is the person I love most.

Neal: Then do it. JUST DO IT!!!

Mr. Gold: I can't. I wanted this curse to bring me to you, and if I kill you, it was all for nothing.

Neal: But you have my forgiveness, and I love you.

Mr. Gold: That's just it. You are the only one that's capable of loving someone like me. If I loose you, what do I have left. Regina, split my heart in half. That way, I can crush this heart, but half of my heart will be in him, so that no one has to die.

Neal: Will I become a dark one?

Mr. Gold: Probably.

Neal: I'd rather die a hero than inherit dark magic and ruin more lives.

Mr. Gold: NO!

(Neal clamps Mr. Gold's hands and squeezes them together.)

Neal: Yes.

Side note: Neal will be back. This isn't the end.

Regina: Alright. Now we just have to wait for the curse to come and transport us back.

( A purple cloud of curse covers them and they appear back at the enchanted forest.)

David: Snow!

Snow: Charming!

(They kiss.)

Henry: Told you!

Emma: Mom? Dad?

Snow and David: Emma!

Snow: We knew you'd find us.

Regina: Our deal, remember?

David: Don't trust her. She's the evil queen.

Emma: But I have to.

Regina: I knew you'd come to your senses.

Emma: Do you promise not to hurt my family?

Regina: We already made a deal, so you are going to take off the cuff, whether you like it or not.

Emma: I wish I could trust you. But...

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