Trust Me

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 Emma: I wish I could believe you. But...  

Regina: But what? I'm the "evil queen"?

Emma: Well, yes.

Regina: What if I decided to change?

Emma: Why would you want to change?

Regina: I would change for Henry. Trust me.

Emma: I would too. Fine, but please don't kill anyone.

(Emma cautiously slides off the cuff, when the evil queen quickly grabs it and snaps it back on Emma's wrist.)

Emma: Hey! I thought we agreed you wouldn't betray me.

Regina: No, you agreed that I wouldn't betray you.

Henry: And for a second I thought you meant what you said about changing. About being a better person.

Regina: I am. I just don't want her to have control over where you go.

Emma: But I'm also his mother. You have to understand how I feel.

Regina: You have made me feel that way since you entered Storybrooke. This is just payback.

Emma: In Storybrooke he was mostly under your control.

Regina: Then why did you give him up.

Snow: You know why she gave him up. She wanted to give him his best chance.

Regina: You're just trying to justify giving Emma up. I wouldn't ever give up someone I truly love.

Snow: Then what about you father?

Regina: That was the past. I wouldn't do it if I could go back and choose again.

David: I wish I could believe you, I really do, but you have betrayed us too many times already.

Regina: Fine. Henry, how about you stay with Emma right now?

Henry: Where are you going?

Regina: I need to reclaim my castle.

Emma: Really, Regina?

Regina: I'm letting you have some time with Henry. Enjoy it while you got it, okay?

Snow: Why?

Regina: I saw a blast of green magic coming from my castle and some flaying monkeys around it. I think someone stole it while the first curse was going on. Whoever did must be a threat, and I got to find out who it is.

Emma: Well, couldn't you just magic yourself up there?

Regina: That would be much too predictable. I need to find another way there. Whoever it is will probably be able to detect me using magic, because they were powerful enough to break my blood lock.

Emma: What's a blood lock?

Regina: You have a lot to learn about magic, don't you? Anyways, I will be leaving now. Goodbye.

(Regina walks off into the woods. Suddenly, something wacks Emma and the rest of their friends in the heads and drag them away.)

(Emma wakes up in a daze with Captain Hook staring her in the face.)

Hook: Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Rumple: Belle, I thought you were dead!

Belle: I was locked in a prison. Probably by Regina. Well, at least I'm free now. Oh wait, I'm not.

Rumple: My dark power can get us out of here.

Hook: Or not.

(Captain Hook holds the Dark One's dagger in his hand.)

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