The Stranger

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SCENE: . Present. 's . A deadbolt on the front door slides open; enters with a small tool in his hand, then closes and bolts the door. and Mary Margaret are on the inside waiting for him.

August: No one is gettin' through that.
Emma: Wow. When are you installing the torture chamber?
August: You like it? (Admires his handiwork) I'll call it medieval-chic.
Mary Margaret: I don't care what it looks like as long as it keeps and her out.
Emma: This is pretty handy for a writer; where'd you learn to do all this?
August: Wood shop? Eighth grade?
Mary Margaret: Oh! Speaking of school. Have to get going.
Emma: Uh. Are you sure you're ready to go back?
Mary Margaret: (Laughs) After a stint behind bars? How tough can a room full of fourth-graders be? Besides, aren't you the one we need to be worried about?
Emma: Me. Why?
August Well. You did threaten to take away from Regina.
Emma:Oh, that wasn't a threat. I'm hiring to help build a case against her. (August and Mary Margaret share a look) She tried to have you framed for murder!
Mary Margaret: But—you do know what happens if you win.
Emma: Yeah.
Mary Margaret: And you're ready? To be his mom?
Emma: Yeah. (Mary Margaret smiles.)
Henry: (Speaking into walkie-talkie) Code red. Code red.
Emma: Hey, Henry, what's goin' on?
Henry: Meet me at . It's an Operation Cobra emergency.
Emma: I'm on my way.

SCENE: Storybrooke. Present. Street. Emma walks on the sidewalk; August catches up to her.

August: Emma, wait up!
Emma: You heard the kid, Operation Cobra calls.
August: I didn't think you believed any of that.
Emma: Well, I don't, but sometimes it's the only way to get through to Henry.
August: You know, a custody battle against Regina isn't going to accomplish anything. (Emma chuckles in disbelief.) You need to look at the big picture, understand what you're up against: that's the only way you'll know how to beat Regina.
Emma: Okay, new guy: how's that?
August: Take the day off. Come with me, and I'll show you.
Emma: (She stops walking as does August.) And where exactly would we be going on this magical mystery tour?
August: If I told you, you would never come. (Emma resumes walking.) Oh, come on. Take a leap of faith. You come with me and I promise you you'll find exactly what you're looking for.
Emma: My kid needs me; I don't have time for faith. (Emma enters the diner, and leaves August behind.) Hey. What's the emergency?
Henry: (Speaking in a hushed whisper) Shh! This is sensitive.
Emma: (Sitting down) If it's sensitive, why are we at Granny's, out in the open?
Henry: I'm hungry. (Pauses) Who else knows that we hide the book at the Sheriff's station?
Emma: No one. Why?
Henry: Someone changed it. There's a new story in it.
Emma: Why would someone add a new story?
Henry: To tell us something we need to know about the curse.
Emma: And what would that be?
Henry: I don't know. (Shrugs) Story isn't finished.
Emma: Why would someone go to so much trouble to add a new story and then not bother finishing it?
Henry: That's what's weird. The story's about Pinocchio. Everyone knows how that ends.
Emma: Well, maybe that's why it was left out.
Henry: Or maybe. there's more to it.
Emma: Henry. You are gonna be late for school. Let's go.

SCENE: The . Past. Body of Water. A raft, tossed about in a storm at sea, carries and .

Geppetto: Hold on, my boy!
Pinocchio: I'm trying, father! (Camera shows swimming after the raft.) Faster, father, faster! He's catching up!
Geppetto: The current! It's too strong! (Monstro rears his head.) Don't let go! Hold on! (The raft lists perilously and Geppetto shakes his head.)
Pinocchio: What is it?
Geppetto: We must abandon ship. (Offers his son a life vest) Take this. This is the only one.
Pinocchio: No, father. I'm made of wood. I'll float: we can both survive.
Geppetto: No. We don't risk. Take!
Pinocchio: No, father! You take it! (Monstro opens jaws to swallow the raft.) Save yourself! (Pinocchio jumps off the raft.)
Geppetto: Pinnochioooo! (Cut to: A beach. Geppetto has washed up, along with two barrels and a life vest.)Pinocchio? (Kneels down) Pinocchio! You saved me. (Stands up) Oh! Where are you? Oh! Where are you? (He spies Pinocchio face down by the water's edge, and stumbles over to him.) Oh no. (In a fit of grief, he cradles Pinocchio, who has reverted to a wooden puppet.) I wish that I could save you, my boy. (The flits in the air as she approaches.)
Blue Fairy: We still can.
Geppetto: Please. (Pleadingly, he holds out Pinocchio's body to the fairy.) Save him. (The Blue Fairy waves her wand; turning the puppet into a boy.)
Pinocchio: (He blinks several times, and looks up to Geppetto's face.) Father?
Geppetto: Pinocchio. Look!
Pinocchio: I'm... real boy. I'm a real boy!
Geppetto: Thank you. I don't know how I can ever repay you, thi... this is all I ever wanted.
Blue Fairy: You and Pinocchio have found each other. Now go. Live your life together as a family.
Geppetto: Come. My son. (Hands Pinocchio his hat)
Blue Fairy: Remember, Pinocchio—be brave, truthful and unselfish. So long as you do that you will always remain a real boy. (She blows him a kiss.)

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