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THE FIRST THING YOU LEARN WHEN YOU'RE ON THE RUN IS NOT TO GIVE OUT YOUR REAL NAME. It was a tough lesson but crucial to the pairs survival as they strode through the bustling town. The girl - usually known as Caron but who was now going by the name 'Angela' - had both hands in the pockets of her favourite green hoodie. Her partner - generally called James, now named 'Elliot' - linked his arm with hers and kept his head down.

For the most part, nobody payed the, any attention. The problem was, Caron had noticed someone following them a few streets back. "They still there?" She nodded slowly in response to the whisper.

"Grey shirt pulled out his phone. Probably calling the authorities."

"You always assume the worst, my love."

"Well, Elliot, you seem to forget who we are." The boy scrunched up his nose as they stopped at a stall to their right.

"You know I hate that name."

"We're in public, would you rather I called you by your real one? Are you trying to get us caught?" Brown eyes met brown eyes as the pair gazed at each other for a moment.

"I just wish we couldn't be caught in the first place. We haven't lived in the same place for months."

"Yeah, well...we're fugitives now. Not much we can do about that." Carefully, Caron observed the fruit in front of her, picking between different sized apples. James' eyes were looking up and down the street, searching for the men he knew were there.

"Now would be a good time for that people sense thing you can do."

"Here isn't the place for that." The couple glanced up as they heard yells coming from all directions. To their left were two men, dressed in blue with a shiny gold badge on their shirts. Similarly dressed men were coming towards them from the right. "This isn't going to end well."

"Have you got a plan?" He turned towards her just in time to see a cheeky grin set upon her face.

"You should know by now; I always have a plan." Without warning, she grabbed the boys arm, pulling him behind the fruit stall. They were running, both pairs of lungs working hard. The young adults had grown used to running over the years.

James felt a light sensation trickling over his body and when he glanced down, he saw that his legs had disappeared. Where they came from, everyone had an ability. Caron and her mother were witch-like creatures, learned in a dark art. James heard that his father was an incredible carpenter and even owned his own shop. The thing was, James didn't inherit anything.

Caron pulled James into a small alleyway, their bodies pressed together ad they steadied their breaths. The pair watched as guard after guard ran past them, not seeing the invisible fugitives.

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