Blend-S Boys Preference

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Dino loves Valentine's Day and loves that he gets to spend it with you. Well, after the work day is over that is. He'll get everyone to stay late and prepare and serve the meal of a lifetime for you and him. You think he's being such a sweet dork and you talk and laugh as you eat all the delicious treats that Koyo and the others helped prepare for you. Dino, being the little anime loving sweetheart he is, got you a CD of the first season of your favorite anime. You love it so much and almost cry by the pride you feel for it. You got him that anime girl action figurine he wanted but Mafuyu stole from him. He's so grateful and will literally run to your side of the table and give you a big hug. You'll spend the rest of the night watching your favorite anime while cuddling on the couch with Owner in your lap.


Koyo, being the little tsun-tsun he is, likes Valentine's Day but doesn't tell you he does. That is, until you get home from your job and see a beautifully home-cooked meal on the table. Koichi will just smile and take your coat before freaking out because oh god you're crying. But they're happy tears so you're ok. Though he still asks you for ten minutes if you're ok, and you reassure him that you're fine every time. You guys will talk about your days over the meal Koyo prepared and laugh about the funny stuff that happened (mostly at Koyo's job). Koyo got you this new sketchbook (because you always tell him how you're close to running out of room) you're super appreciative and grateful, and you got him this new pan set that you knew he would like because he's talked about it a million times before when you passed the culinary store window. He gets so excited about it and desperately wants to cook more food with the pans but it's really late, so instead you just binge your favorite movies together until you fall asleep.


Koichi also loves Valentine's Day and will take you out on a day around the town. Sure it's at all the high-end, expensive places but it's still really fun. Well...mostly...if you so much as make a comment about something being nice or cute, Koichi will buy it almost immediately and it ends up being way too much. You have to tell him several times that he can't buy everything you like. He gets a little sad because he thinks that you deserve the world and more but if you want him to cut back on buying you stuff then he'll oblige. Though when he drops you off at home you tell him to wait a minute before running inside and sprinting back out with a painting in hand. It's in pastel colors and almost looks like a dream but it's a real picture. One of Koichi's favorites of you and him together. He's so happy that he'll put the painting off to the side, open the limo door, give you a big hug before giving you a small peck on the lips and wishing you goodnight before stepping into his limo again and taking you home.

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