Black Butler Boys Preference

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Ciel doesn't really like Christmas, like at all. His attitude about Christmas was what inspired Charles Dickens to write his character, Scrooge. He just gets everyone a standard christmas gift and doesn't put much thought into it. You try to jazz up the place as much as possible with Christmas spirit, but you always get caught. Ciel yells at you when you do this, but you think he just needs a little more christmas spirit. Though it never works and Ciel realizes all too late how you're all sad now because of him. He tries to make it up to you as best he can, but you don't want to hear it from him. It isn't until Christmas day does he make it up to you by buying the thing you've always wanted. He then puts you in charge of Christmas decoration as long as you don't shove Christmas into his face. Which you agree on. He takes Christmas Day off so you can teach him how to play in the snow.


Sebastian, like Ciel, is super busy during this time. Though he always makes time for you and his favorite thing to do is go ice skating with you on the nearby lake in the middle of the night when all the stars are shining. It's super romantic and are some of your favorite moments with Sebastian. Sebastian is more of a realistic gifter and gets people things they need. He always comes up with a different theme for the Phantomhive Mansion Tree every year that somehow works out and your happy to decorate it with him. His favorite thing to do is donate time and money to the animal shelters in the nearby town, especially if they have cats. He's so cute when he's playing with the cats you wish you could take a picture. He wakes up extra early on Christmas to make sure everything is in order and make sure that nobody opened their presents (*cough* Meilin *cough* Finnian). Then he spends the day working and hanging out with you as you build a snowman together.


Finnian loves the tale of Santa Claus and will literally do anything if it meant putting him on the nice list. Well you could do this all year but Christmas especially. Baldroy likes messing with Finnian this way so you end up slapping Baldroy, a lot. Finnian is an unrealistic shopper and he'll try to get something everyone wants. Except for Baldroy, he's getting a cookbook. Finnian tries to decorate the Phantomhive tree but Sebastian insists he should do it by himself which makes Finny sad because he made so many cute ornaments for it, but you show him that you found a small christmas tree in the woods and he could decorate the tree however he wanted. He gets so excited and brightens up immediately because the tree is 'absolutely perfect'. His favorite thing is mistletoe. He just loves giving you kisses at literally any opportunity. He wakes up early on Christmas but doesn't want to have Sebastian mad at him for opening a present again and tries to take his mind off it by cuddling you. It works for about an hour and then he can't help but get excited again and fidget around which ultimately wakes you up and you talk to him until Sebastian gives the all clear to open your gifts. You guys would probably play with your gifts and run around the mansion or go outside and try to make a snow fort 

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