Fairy Tail Girls Preference

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Lucy is actually one of the people planning Thanksgiving and she's super excited for it. (Well more excited than a normal person should be, November is like the Thursday of the whole year), the reason being is that after her mother died she never really had a real, genuine family thanksgiving before and she gets super excited and helps Mira out anyway she can. Everyone's required to bring something since Fairy Tail is such a big guild and you bring homemade chocolate cake while Lucy brings homemade sweet buns (which Virgo helped her make). It's really nice to be with your friends, if only Natsu didn't take the whole turkey. Oh- and now Erza's chasing him around the guildhall. Besides Natsu stealing the turkey getting the food you want, especially if everyone likes it, it's like being a caveman fighting for your share of food. You guys also have Lacrima Vision all around the hall so you can watch the game while you eat. Lucy doesn't pay attention to it though. Then after the game you go outside and play several huge games of football. Lucy doesn't really participate because to be frank she isn't really that good, but you convince her to go for the last round. Lucy's also really into Black Friday shopping and so is the rest of the guild so it's like the Battle of Fairy Tail all over again. But there's also Cyber Monday so you usually get at least 70% of your lists done.


Erza is really into Thanksgiving, like Lucy, and helps Mira anyway she can. She also spends the whole month trying to figure out what outfit to wear. For the actual meal she decides to wear a simple sundress and change later to a football outfit. You would bring some sweet potatoes and Erza would bring like, ten strawberry cakes. No joke. Erza analyzes the moves of the players on the lacrima vision so that way she can use those same moves in the big game. You play football on her team, because you know she's gonna totally dominate and literally destroy everyone because she's just that good. And Erza's always good to have on your side during Black Friday, she's the reason you get 100% of your shopping list completed. If it weren't for her, it would probably be about 1%


Wendy is kinda nervous because she's never been to a Thanksgiving before and offers to help Mira but Mira insists she's fine. She brings homemade whip cream while you bring in a cherry pie. She's like super into football except for two things. One, she doesn't understand it at all. And two, she doesn't like when people tackle other people. So therefore she doesn't play during the football matches you have outside. You convince her to play one game but she gets too nervous and panics halfway through. People try not to hurt her though or else they'll have the wrath of the other six dragonslayers following them for a week. This is the same thing for Black Friday, if she decides to go. But she usually doesn't (mostly because of Carla), but she'll heal your bruises when you get back from your shopping. Though she gets really into Cyber Monday.


Mira is so overwhelmed during Thanksgiving and if it weren't for everyone helping her she would most likely die from exhaustion. You being the most helpful, you know Mira so well that you do things before she asks you to. Being the little over achiever that you are. She would probably make the turkey along with the other Strauss siblings and you would bring raspberry jam. She's surprisingly into football and often yells at the screens while you're eating. She and Erza often end up on opposite teams, but the worst thing is when they're all on the same team, only Natsu is dumb enough to challenge them to a game of football. Mira's also super helpful to have during Black Friday sales and loves helping you out getting the stuff you need. She would much rather do Black Friday than Cyber Monday.


Juvia is meh about Thanksgiving but participates anyway. She only brings giant Costco packs of water for everyone. It takes her forever to come up with a list of stuff for Cyber Monday sales because she's so indecisive about stuff. Though she does get really into football and it's almost scary but when she goes up against Erza or Mira she really isn't that scary and knowing better than to get yourself beat before Black Friday you just encourage her from the sidelines and even though you participate for Black Friday. Juvia participates in only Cyber Monday.


Levy, like everything, gets super pumped for Thanksgiving and brings a nice pumpkin pie to the table while you just bring more sweet potatoes. But she puts an enchantment around the dessert table so no one can steal them early *discreety looks at Natsu and Happy*. She's not really into football and you two just read books on the sidelines while looking up every once in awhile to make sure a football isn't flying towards your faces. And being the introverts you are you would much rather do Cyber Monday than Black Friday. And you get about 80% of your list done, though Levy just buys pure book. Nothing else, just book.


Yukino is very much like Levy, she gets really excited for Thanksgiving at Sabertooth. She'll try to make a star-shaped pineapple pie but she's the only one who ends up eating it. Well Sting tries to, to cheer her up but it doesn't really work out like planned. Though he gives her feedback on what ingredients she should hold back on next time, like sugar. She's not really into football and would much rather talk with you while the whole guild is cheering about the Magnolia Wyverns winning the game. You both also sit on the sidelines and watch the game and while she's being supportive you're either reading a book or playing a video game.


Minerva is like Erza, she's just more of a tsun-tsun about it. She'll bring sweet potatoes with black berries on it for absolutely no reason and will yell at everyone that they have to eat it. She also analyzes the moves of the players on the lacrima vision and applies them to the football game. Which she's a total beast at. Only Sting and Orga are dumb enough to challenge her to a football game. She totally wipes the floor with them. She also cheats using her magic on Black Friday and gets essentially everything on your shopping list plus some. Though you do buy extra stuff on Cyber Monday just because.

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