Blend-S Boys Preference

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You'll help him decorate the cafe with the others. You'll even help get Boss into his own cute little outfit. What you would do was you would put mini jack o'lanterns at each table and have paper bats staples to streamers that you would hang everywhere. You would also help him come up with costumes for the maids to wear as well as new menu options. On Halloween night you would wait outside the store with a cauldron of candy with a sign saying 'Trick or treaters welcome' and give candy to the cute little kids. When the store closes you and Dino would share one of the spooky deserts together as you talked about the trick or treaters you saw and he talked about how the store was packed and he had to work so hard which Kouyou would throw a frying pan at his head and comment how he didn't do crap. Which would make you laugh really hard, which he would smile because he loved your laugh and he would laugh along with you. And when it gets really late the he'll lay on the couch with you on top of him and Boss resting in his little doggy bed. You'll eat the rest of the candy that you didn't give to the trick or treaters and watch horror movies. You're chill with them where Dino gets easily scared. So he'll be clinging to you the whole time while you nonchalantly watch it while unwrapping candy and stuffing it into your mouth with Dino pressing your head against his chest. You would fall asleep like this and when Dino would realize this he would gratefully turn off the T.V before picking you up bridal style, carefully stepping over Boss before heading to your shared bedroom before turning on the light, the horror movies still lurking in his thoughts, and falling asleep, smiling at how peaceful you looked.


You would help him come up with new ideas for special Halloween menus. Then on the night of Halloween you would probably be dressed in some cute couple costume like two vampires or something as you would help him in the kitchen the best you could on the super busy night. The both of you yelling at Dino to get up off his butt and help you guys. At the end of the hard hours he would make you a special Halloween dessert that you would eat together, forgetting everyone else was there and being a cute, fluff-choking couple. These moments were rare for you two to have in public, but you were comfortable doing this kind of stuff in the cafe since it was like a second home for the both of you. And after you clean up and leave the cafe you would go back to your shared apartment and go to bed, raiding the discounted candy from the shelves the next day and watching the Christmas specials already airing on the hallmark channel. Well you would, he would be rolling his eyes the whole time at the corporate industry.


You would help him hang lanterns all over his house with the occasional kisses here and there. You would also carve jack o'lanterns with his whole family since they considered you part of their family already. His always turn out amazing while yours are really bad. You don't say anything but he can tell that you don't think yours is amazing by the discreet looks back and forth. He'll just kiss you on the cheek, reassure you it's great and ruffle you hair, which makes you pout and he laughs because he finds your pouts adorable. After putting your jack o'lanterns next to each other on the front stoop. Then as a family, you all make halloween themed cookies, though you're shocked to find out Koichi never watched a horror movie before. So you take him to your place and watch the least scariest horror movie ever but by the end of it he's clinging onto you and shaking, thinking the evil entity from the horror movie is going to get him next. You try to reassure him that nothing's gonna happen but he's way too scared and you end up comforting him the whole day that it was just a movie.

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