AssClass Girls Preference

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Happy early birthday to Okuda! It's on November 7th I believe


Kayano likes Thanksgiving, but there are some things she hates when she goes to Thanksgiving with your family. Not that she hates your family, on the contrary, she loves them and they love her, it's just sometimes your family is pretty intense. The actual meal is nice and your family is so surprised at how good the pudding she brought for desert was. It's after the meal that Kayano doesn't like. Your family is a super passionate football family and you guys end up screaming at the T.V for the whole game which can be several hours long. Even when Kayano helps your grandma and mom clean the dishes do they occasionally go to the living room where the T.V was and shout about how stupid the coach is or how idiotic that one player is, before coming back and acting completely normal. Then after is the football game, where Kayano usually uses her training to try not to get trampled by your cousins or you for that matter. You get so into the football game it isn't even funny, then on the way home you apologize for the bruises Kayano has that you caused. And while she's mad at you it's nothing a mug of cocoa and her favorite Disney movie can't fix. Then the next day you both go to the mall and fight everyone in order to get savings on those deals. Though when you get home you realize you went a little overboard, but it wasn't a bad thing.


Rio likes Thanksgiving not just for the free meal your family made, but because beginning and after you have younger cousins who call her 'Fun Aunt Rio' because she teaches them how to prank and do it well. Sometimes you even join in too, but not all the time. Her pranks are always funny on your family members, though sometimes it involves stealing her favorite desert right off the table and running away with the little kids right behind her as you all at the table think 'the hell...' as they most likely went to a hidden, out of sight area of the house and split the dessert amongst themselves. You both also get super intense and passionate about football, which when you actually play the sport on your front yard, you both end up getting a lot of bruises and spend your night sleeping and putting pea bags on your bruises. For black friday you team up and coordinate to get the things you each need, you even have little ear pieces and everything. You sometimes see flashes of your other classmates, but it wasn't often thank god. Last thing you wanted to do was fight Karma or Nagisa over an Xbox. Then when you get home you guys are super happy with your bounties and begin sorting through them, though you both manage to sneak something for each other for Christmas but you don't let the other one see for many reasons.


You and Kanzaki switch on who's going to who's house for Thanksgiving every year. Though usually you end up going to your house anyway with her because you sometimes find her Dad to be such an ass sometimes at the unrealistic expectations he puts on her. She loves seeing you so happy with her family and they kinda adopt her and your grandma sends her home with half of the leftovers from Thanksgiving. She also likes it when you show passion for football, something she never really understood and you're happy to explain it to her. After a few years she gets just as passionate as you do for the sport, now understanding (usually) what goes on during the games. She's also surprisingly good at football which sometimes makes you terrified by her but it's really fun when you're on the same team and one-upping your older siblings and/or cousins. She sometimes goes to the black friday sales with you the next day but she also would much rather be the getaway driver since you're a better fighter and have by far the best endurance in the whole class (besides Nagisa and Karma, they're practically gods in fighting) you also come out with more stuff too. She also likes cyber monday and will spend hours doing online shopping after school or during class. Cyber monday is the only day Koro-sensei lets everyone have their phones out for those great deals. Though he does say things in his lecture like 'test tomorrow' or 'pineapple' just to make sure you guys are paying attention, which you are.

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