ATLA Boys Preference

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Modern AU! But they're still on the run tho


Aang is 100% for Halloween. And he'll even earth bend to look like a clay monster for Halloween when you reach the next town. Katara doesn't think it's a good idea for him to go trick or treating like that but Toph is 100% for it. She might even join him as Clay Monster Jr. You would probably grab some clothes and tear holes in your old ones and use some leftover green paint to become a zombie. You wouldn't share your candy with anyone, claiming that if they wanted some they should've dressed up and went with you guys. Aang is too nice and he'll share his candy, but since he hasn't had any in so long he kinda forgot how to eat it and he'll just stuff a giant handful of wrapped candy into his mouth. When he sees you unwrap yours he panics and ends up having stomach aches all night, Katara'll try to help with her healing magic but it doesn't really do anything so you cuddle him which helps him a little bit.


He really likes scaring people, and when that time of year comes you're his prime target. He'll even whittle accurate wolf spiders and hawk bats and put them in your sleeping bag and stuff. It scares the crap out of you and you know it's him. He'll laugh at you before he realizes the danger he's really in and you end up chasing him at least 20x a day. He also likes sneaking up behind you when you're zoned out and screaming in your ear, which definitely earns him a punch from you. Then when the night of Halloween comes, everyone tells scary stories around the bonfire. His are the scariest. Though before then you two will totally go trick or treating. He'll use old bandages and make himself a Mummy while you make a mask and use that. He gets disappointed in your lack of effort, but like Aang he'll shove a handful or two of wrapped candy into his mouth from pure excitement before realizing his mistake and suffering the whole night. You would put your arms around him and comfort him and do your best to try to have him fall asleep.


He's secretly excited for Halloween but doesn't tell anyone. He never really got to experience it normally with his family so he wonders what the true experience is like. The one thing he, surprisingly, looks forward to is jack o' lanterns since they were so big in the Fire Nation. He used to try to make them but they were always terrible compared to Azula's and his Father let him know it. So he stopped trying, but he seriously does miss it and will go out in the middle of the night without telling anyone and go to a wild pumpkin patch and pick out pumpkins for each of you. He'll put them in the middle of the camp and everyone'll be wondering where the hell they came from. He'll be all like, 'well I guess someone wanted us to make jack o' lanterns' or something like that. It clicks in everyone's brain and instead of throwing them out like they wanted to originally and move on they wordlessly realize it was him and agree to make jack o' lanterns. Momo and Oppa get to treat themselves on the inside of your pumpkins and if you're struggling Zuko will help you out, though his pumpkin is so much better than everyones'. He'll want to go trick or treating but not say anything, but when you ask him if he wants to go with you he gets super excited. You'll raid a laundromat for the costumes you or parts you need and go trick or treating. He tells a mediocre scary story but you think it's great. He's a little hesitant about eating the candy he collected but you tell him it's alright and he may eat a little more than he should've but he just gets a little sugar high but other than that he's fine.


Every year him and his ragtag group will make jack o' lanterns and put them in the front of their little houses. And they're split into groups, each go trick or treating at the little different huts at different times so everyone gets a turn. Some make each other personal items while others just raid the forest for berries and the more daring ones steal actual candy from the Fire Nation. Jet is usually one of the few with real candy. And it's obvious to everyone but you, but he gives you a little extra and makes sure you have your favorites. Then after that you sit near the bonfire and tell each other scary stories, though it unanimous that Jet's are the best. He knows the group so well he knows exactly what scares each of them and how to put it all together into one story. While his stories can be a little much, especially for the younger ones it's still a great night.

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