it's like he never left

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at dinner keith sat with everyone. "hey you remember our song" levi asked. "how could i forget i made it" keith said getting up. "let's show your family who you were before you left" levi said. keith left and got into some cloths. when he came out he was wearing a red shirt with a black vest, black boots and blue jeans. his hair was black and combed back. he has red ear rings in.

then he began to sing.

everyone cheered. "i still got it"keith said. "garrison did you see that" zoey said over the radio. "ahhhh mommy we need........" there were gunshots. "help help us the drug dealer has brought an army and he is shooting up the place help us hel-ahhh" luke said over the radio. zoey got up. "garrison respond" zoey said. nothing. "GARRISON" zoey yelled. "LUKE" zoey yelled. keith walked over to her. "honey what's wrong" keith asked.

"he has gone to the garrison and has shot up the place. luke was just talking to me before he.....before he was gone" zoey said in tears. keith looked a everyone. "armor up now. black rabbit has awoken" keith yelled. everyone ran into the armory and came out with there arms full of weapons and armor. "sir" one of the group said holding armor out. but it was different than everyone else's.

it was red and black. everyone else's was red or black not both. keith took the armor and suited up. "give them some armor" keith ordered walking down a tunnel and inside was a chair and computers all around it with seat. the chair in the middle had a blanket over it. keith took the blanket off and dust filled the air.

the chair was red and black like his suit. several men and women came in and sat down in the other chairs. keith sat down in the middle. the paladins came in and saw keith typing on a key pad. a screen went in front of his face and he began to talk. "attention everyone, we are going to war on you all know who. but as you know i just got here and i have a family of my own two 8 years olds and a 19 year old at the garrison. our main priority is to save any of the injured and get them here. i know you all are still getting used to me but i promise from here on out we well never stop protecting the innocent. we are the revolution." keith said.

everyone cheered. "blue group take the sky, red to the ground, yellow go around the back, purple sewers, green the vents, and black get transport ready for deparcher" keith said. "zoey go with group blue, lance yellow, shiro and pidge red, allura purple and coran with me" keith said getting out of the chair. "levi your in charge until i get back" keith said.

"sir your weapon" levi said holding a weapon in a blanket. keith unwrapped it. "let's do this" keith said picking it up. it was a big red and black sword. "isn't that heavy" coran asked. "i'm used to it" keith said. "let's go" keith yelled putting on his helmet. keith got his horse and they left the sewers.

keith and team red walked in front of the garrison, armor on and weapons out. keith road a horse with metal red and silver armor as he held his sword up. he saw as his home was burning and screams and gunshots filled the air. "listen up all of you. blue team your our eyes and you'll protect us from the fire. black stand by for yellow, purple, and green to give you the injured and survivors" keith said.

there was a soft noise growing as the dealer was outside the garrison. "you check out where that's coming from now" the dealer said. "sir he's here" said one of the dealer's men. "keith" korila said. "me and him have some unfinished business this is only a fight between me and him everyone else stay's back" the dealer said. "my step son has come home" the dealer said.

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