ready as i'll ever be

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today is the day keith preforms. everyone took their seats. "i hope he doesn't freeze up" lance said. "if he does then i'm going to laugh" allura said. "this is going to be good" trevor said. the lights went off and the commander walked on stage. "welcome ladies and gentlemen now we have a special performance from the paladins of voltron and let's see if keith krogan can do the garrison flip. as you know no one has done it in twenty years. so give them a hand" the commander said.

keith shook in fear. shiro put a hand on his shoulder. "don't worry we'll knock them out of there seats" shiro said. keith smiled. "let's do this" keith said. everyone ran out on stage. the music started and keith began to sing.

keith started to spin as he danced. keith closed his eyes and his left leg went out, his arms made a loop above his head as he started to spin. he put his left leg in the air as he did the splits and he laid his chest and head on his left leg. he continued to spin as he suddenly spun towards lance and hunk. he threw up the hula hoop and jumped.

he jumped did a backflip and had his legs and arms straight. he spun in the air the landed on lance and hunk's arms. then he caught the hula hoop. everyone cheered as he was the first to stick the landing in twenty years. keith jumped down and raised his arms. everyone cheered.

hours later.......

"dude look at what someone posted on space tube" lance said and showed keith.

keith took the phone and threw it at the wall. "who the hell posted that" keith yelled. "i did" said a voice. keith turned around it was mak. keith pulled out his sword. "so what do you want to do first beast" mak began. "call me that again see what happens" keith yelled. mak threw a bomb at keith. keith looked over at lance he tackled him to the floor.

the bomb blew and keith was thrown agenst the wall. a piece of metal hit him in the side. mak grabbed keith and threw him into a pod. the pod took off and it went to the sahara desert. it dropped him off and left. keith got up in pain and ran toward the pod. he jumped and missed it. he fell to the floor as the pod disappeared into the distance.

keith held his side as it bleed. he walked holding his side as his mouth was dry and his body acked. he walked until night. if was freezing. he found a cave and found some wood. he took out his sword and started a fire. he put his sword in the fire as it heated up. he took his shirt off and as he took his sword out it glowed red.

he breathed in and pulled the metal out then put the hot sword tip on his wound. keith screamed in pain as it stung. he pulled the sword away and panted. "i swear when i get home i'm going to kill someone" keith said and fell asleep. the next morning keith walked across the desert. his mouth was dry and his throat was sore.

he felt weak as his legs felt like they were going to break. he held his side as it hurt to move. he suddenly couldn't take another step. he fell to the floor and slept. he woke up to find himself in a cave with his side bandaged. he looked around and saw a fire, there was a bed with his bag.

keith tried to get up but pain filled his body as he sat back down and grunted. a girl human walked toward keith. "are you looking for this" she said holding up his sword. "g....give it here" keith said. "i don't think so galra" the girl said in a mean voice. "please it was my mothers, it's all i have from her" keith said weakly.

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