the affair (part 1)

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zoey picked up the phone and read "i miss you the bed is so lonely without you". she put the phone down and as soon as keith came back she smiled holding back tears. that night she looked at his phone and there was another message. "come on babe r u busy" zoey put the phone down and confronted him. "so what's with the secrets" zoey asked."what do you mean" keith asked.

zoey picked his phone up and showed him. "are you having an affair" she asked. before keith could answer she held up her hand. "you know what i don't need to know" zoey said and went to her own room to sleep. she never does that. she only sleeps in his room. keith was so confused. "she just needs to calm down. we'll talk in the morning" he thought.

the next morning keith got dressed and opened his door to find a letter taped to it. he ripped it off the door and read it."i'm taking shara and leaving. i can't believe you'd cheat on me. i'll send you papers. zoey"

keith ran down the hall and past everyone. shiro saw as keith ran past him. "keith what's wrong" shiro asked. keith didn't answer and ran outside. it was pouring as he ran out side. he saw as a taxi drove off as soon as zoey got in. keith ran towards it banging on the windows begging for it to stop. but it didn't. keith called zoey's name. but it disappeared into the rain leaving keith outside alone cold and wet.

keith held his head as he didn't know what to do. he felt like he did something wrong but he didn't know what. the words "having an affair" echoed inside his head. "what did she mean by papers" he thought. "divorce papers? child custody papers?" he thought. everyone watched from the windows as keith kicked a pole but he hurt his foot and then he held it, hopping around. then he slipped and fell in mud and a car drove by into a puddle and socked him with water.

he lay there on the floor breathing heavily. shiro knew something was wrong. keith got up after ten minutes of laying outside and came in. everyone stood in front of him and knew what was wrong. his face said it all.

he walked past everyone as he dropped the note zoey left for him on the door

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he walked past everyone as he dropped the note zoey left for him on the door. it fell to the floor as keith walked into his room and closed the door slowly and sadly. lance picked up the note and read it. "oh no" lance said. krolia took it and read it aloud.

"she think's he's having an affair" allura said. "if he was then he wouldn't look like that" hunk said. "i'll go talk to him" trevor said and walked down the hall toward keith's room. he knocked on the door but no answer came. "keith are you alright? do you want to talk about it? i'm here" trevor said. "i just want to be left alone for a while. go ahead and start dinner without me" said a sad voice.

trevor backed off and walked back toward everyone. "he needs some time he said go ahead and eat without him" trevor said.

back with zoey and shara.......

zoey looked outside as the rain covered the window. she had tears in her eyes as she felt lost and hurt. she couldn't believe he'd do that to her. cheated on her. after everything they'd been through she couldn't take much more until this. he had hurt her before but nothing like this.

keith sat in his room laying down on the bed as tears ran down his cheeks. "who does she think i am" he thought. "a cheater? a heart breaker? a lair? a fake" he thought. he got up and took his wedding ring off. the threw it on the floor and walked out. he walked down the hall and outside. the coldness felt nice on his face.

it rained for days as keith was nowhere to be found. shiro called keith for the hundredth time as he still didn't answer. he then called zoey. she picked up. "oh my god zoey we can't find keith anywhere. he's been gone for......" shiro began "that's not my problem" zoey said and hung up. shiro tried again and again. "what" zoey asked mad. "he didn't cheat on you" shiro said. "oh yeah prove it then" she said.

"those messages were from a girl trying to talk with her boyfriend and he gave her a fake phone number" shiro said. zoey didn't answer. "he didn't cheat on you. after you left he ran out into the rain and tried to go after you. then he came back in and went into his room. then when hours went by i went to go give him his dinner but he was gone. and all i found was his wedding ring on the floor. he's been gone for days. I've tried to call him but he isn't picking up and I've tried to call you." shiro said.

zoey dropped the phone away from her ear as tears filed her eyes. "what have i done" she thought. "hello zoey?" shiro asked over the phone. she held it back up to her ear. "yeah i'm still here i......i'm just thinking" she said. "he's been gone for almost a week and it's been raining all week long. we need to find him" shiro said. "okay then you and everyone else look around the garrison and drive around the city. and i'll look around the town. let me know if you find him" zoey said.

"stay safe" shiro said. "yeah you too" zoey said and hung up. zoey looked at shara. she couldn't stop the tears from running down her face as shara got up and grabbed her coat. she put it on and helped zoey get hers. they rushed out of the hotel and looked around. "text me or call me if you find him" zoey said and kissed shara on the head.

they split up and everyone looked. it rained as zoey felt guilty. "i should have asked questions before i assumed anything? i should have let him explain before i left? what if i don't find him? what if he's sick and dying? if he dies and i don't find him in time i'll never get to tell him how sorry i am" she thought.

she turned the corner of the hotel and called his name. no answer came only the sound of rain and cars. "keith" she called. she turned back and ran up to a couple. "have you seen this man" zoey asked as she pulled out a her phone and showed them a picture of keith. "no sorry" they said.zoey ran up to other people asking the same thing. but then only answer she got was nos.

"have you seen my husband he's been missing for days" she asked. "sorry no but your phone's going to die honey" a women said pointing to the phone. zoey looked at the phone and saw as the picture of keith disappeared on the screen. "no no" she said as tears ran down her face. "oh keith" she said as she fell to her knees. she cried as she'd lost any way of finding him.

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