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"WHAT DO U MEAN FOUND SOMETHING" zoey yelled. "we found his eyes" the police officer said. zoey sat there for a moment. "e.....eyes" she asked almost throwing up in her mouth. "yes eyes. they removed them while he was still alive and he still is but barely" the police officer said. "so what are you doing to find them. i want my son will and husband" zoey asked.

days earlier.....

keith held will in his arms as he didn't let him go. "i see we meet again" said a voice. "who are you" keith asked as will held on to his shit. "you don't remember your old friend" the man said and took off the hood. it was mak. keith smashed his teeth together. "you" he said in anger. "it's nice to see you haven't forgotten my face. now i have to meet this will i suppose that's him" mak said. suddenly several men grabbed will and pulled him away from keith's grasp. "no will" keith cried as he tried to fight them off. "dad" will cried in tears.

"take him to his new room. i'll give the little one a welcome" mak said grining evilly. keith knew what that meant. he was going to beat him. "hurt my son and i rip you apart" keith yelled. mak put a hand on will's shoulder and the last thing keith saw was mak grabbing chains. keith was dragged down a hall toward a dark cold room. they threw him in and locked the metal rusty door.

keith scrambled to his feet and ran toward the door. he banged on it hard. "let me out. i want to see my son" keith yelled. flashbacks of his past filled his mind. the pain, the scars, the death, the fear. "let me out" he continued to yell.

"where'd you take my dad" will asked. "oh we put him in a room to calm down. how about we play a game" mak asked. "i love games" will said with a smile. "good this one's call fear" mak said and chained will's hands together. "let the game begin" mak said as his men pulled will up off the ground to where he hung by his hands. mak grabbed a whip and will knew that this wasn't going to be fun.

keith heard will's screams as he banged on the door. "WILL" he yelled and rambed the door. screams echoed the halls as keith was overcome with fear. "no not my child. not him he doesn't deserve this pain. i do. i have to break this goddamn door" keith thought. then the screaming stopped. "no will" keith thought as fear and horror struck him. then the door opened and they threw in little limp will.

keith backed away and rushed to will's side. "will can you hear me" keith asked and flipped him over. he was a mess. face swollen, black eye, cut lip, a bruise the size of a fist on his cheek, back bleeding badly, left arm broken, wrists raw and swollen. "will please answer me" keith begged and took will's hand in his. his breathing was weak and slow.

he grunted a little as he closed his hand over three of keith's fingers. "it's going to be ok. we're going to get out of here i promise" keith said taking off his shirt. he wrapped it around will's body. will started to cry. "oh don't cry" keith said and hugged will. "i-i'm s-s-scared" will said. "i know we both are. we both are" keith said. "if i had a knife or a phone then we could get out of here" keith thought.

then it hit him. his phone. keith let go of will and set him down gently. he grabbed his wet phone out of his pocket. "crap it's wet" keith thought. he looked around. "dirt more dirt. wait that might work" keith thought. he ran over to the dirt and dug a hole, big enough to hide his phone. he put it in and buried it. now all he had to do was wait. keith rush back over to will. "will you have to promise me that what ever i say you do, understand" keith asked. will nodded.

"good now don't tell them anything tell them nothing. even if they hurt me. i can't let them hurt you. got it" keith asked. will nodded again. "i-i w-want to g-go h-home" will said. "i know i do to" keith said. 

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