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keith sat in the lobby and was asleep. he was breathing heavily as he remembered himself killing an altain. allura would hate him. shiro suddenly put a hand on keith's shoulder. keith woke up. "sorry your were having a bad dream" shiro said. keith has a hood on. "what are those" shiro asked as keith got up and started to walk out. "i know what you have" shiro said. keith stopped.

does he know i have cancer? keith thought. "i know what you have and you don't need to hide it" shiro said and walked over to keith. "i know you have cancer" he whispered. keith's eyes went big. he looked at shiro in tears. "so it's true" lance said. "you told him" keith asked looking at shiro. "no i found out by the file" lance said. "and we found out by pidge" allura said walking in with hunk and coran.

"so no one has told krolia" keith said. "no we thought she knew" shiro said. "oh no she's going to kill him from what i told her" lance said. "what did you tell her" keith asked. "uh i may have said you have cancer" lance said. "KEITH KROGAN WHERE ARE YOU" krolia yelled. keith gulped and ran. he ran past krolia. "HEY GET BACK HERE YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO" krolia yelled.

keith ran into the training room. he ran into the air vent. "KEITH WHERE ARE YOU" krolia yelled. keith climbed into the vent and slide into the medical room. krolia turned around and saw trevor keith and shiro's father. "oh hey trevor" krolia said. suddenly she noticed what she just said. "wait trevor" krolia said. trevor smiled.

shiro ran into the training room and saw trevor. shiro gasped. "KEITH YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS" shiro yelled. keith ran in holding his bleeding nose. his eyes went big. he grabbed a metal bat and walked toward trevor. "what the fuck" keith said and wacked him. "what the hell i saw you die and now your back" keith yelled as he continued to wack trevor.

trevor held his arms up. shiro grabbed keith and tackled him to the floor. "what the hell i saw you get shot. and you now show up when i'm dying" keith yelled. "yeah about that when were you planning on telling me" keith yelled. suddenly the alarms went off. "mak he's gone" coran yelled. shiro picked keith up and they ran into the hanger. mak was standing there holding a bomb.

"wait you mean mak as in" trevor began seeing mak. "now hand over keith or i drop this and i take him with force and you all die" mak said. keith knew what he had to do even if it would kill him. he couldn't use his magic very often because it would hurt him. but he was tired of his friends and family getting hurt all because of what he did in his past.

keith ripped his shirt off and there on his back were bird wings. he walked in front of everyone. "i'm tired of you hurting me and my family. i've lived with this secret for nine years and now i'm not afraid of what people will thing" keith said and he turned purple. "yes i maybe weak to you but i'm a fighter and a half blood. but i'm a prince. a prince of galran and human kind. so if you think you can go and hurt my family then you have to go through me first." keith said.

everyone looked at him in shock. he was purple and his ears were galran like. 


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