true love hurts

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"where is keith" zoey yelled. "oh he's been fucked up" said a galran women. "I SWEAR IF YOU HAVE HURT HIM I'LL KILL YOU" zoey yelled. "oh your three hours to late" the galran women said and snapped her fingers. several men left the room and dragged keith. they put him on his knees and his head was down toward the ground.

he didn't look up. his hands were cuffed behind his back as blood dripped down his face onto the floor. "what did you do to him" shiro asked. "like i said i fucked him up. but he seems to want to play mister tough guy so i wonder if i do this" the women said and pulled out a taser and tasered keith. "if one of you will talk" she said. keith groaned in pain. he clutched his teeth together from the pain.

"what do you want to know" zoey asked. the galran women pulled the taser away. "where is he? where is mak?" she asked. "mak? we don't know he disappeared with keith and zoey found keith and fixed him up" lance answered. "bull shit" she spat and pulled keith's head back. his nose was bleeding as his mouth dripped with blood. his right eye was swollen shut as he had a black eye and cut lip. he has bruises all over his back and chest.

she held a knife to his throat. keith gulped weakly as he looked at everyone. he could barely keep his eyes open. his eyes were filled with fear and pain. "where is he" she yelled. zoey knew she had to lie for keith's sake. "he's on nigeria" zoey lied. "you will show me and if your lying then i'll kill him" she said and dropped the knife. guards dragged keith out of the room and left. "i'll be back in an hour so you better be ready" she said and left.

"why did you lie" trevor asked. "i couldn't do nothing i had to do something. so this is what's going to happen...." zoey said.

the galran women came back and guards took zoey and everyone else with them into a pod. when they got to nigeria everyone got out. "walk or be killed" the galran women said. zoey walked toward her old home. suddenly as zoey opened the door there was blood. "oh shit" zoey thought. she walked in and saw mak. she gulped. "oh so i see my own wife has keith krogan" mak said.

the galran women hugged mak. "don't worry you get to fuck him up i already did" the women said. "thanks cheez" mak said and kissed her. hunk turned green. lance snickered. "mak and cheez" lance laughed. zoey punched lance. "bring him in" cheez said. several guards dragged keith into the cave. he looked worse than before.

"you said you'd let us go if i took you to mak" zoey said. "oh you think i was going to let you all go. oh sweety no only you guys he stays" cheez said and pointed to keith. zoey looked at trevor. without warning the black lion burst into the cave and took keith and all the paladins. "no damn you lion" cheez yelled. "we will find you and when we do we'll kill him" mak yelled.

zoey rushed over to keith. "keith can you hear me" she said picking him up in her arms. he didn't answer. "keith answer me" zoey begged and began to sob. "keith please answer me" she sobbed. "do i have to" keith said weakly. zoey laughed with joy. "fucking answer me next time" she said. keith smiled weakly.

"now let's go home" zoey said and put her forehead on keith's. "i couldn't agree more" keith said pulling out a ring. zoey gasped. "i've thought about this a long time. so if  i could have you......" keith began. "yes" zoey said. "i didn't finish yet" keith said. "then hurry up" zoey said. "just put it on"keith said. zoey and him kissed.

days later....

keith watched on in the crowd as zoey got up on stage and began. he had told her to face her fears of singing. someone held a violin as they began. zoey waited for her part.

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