storm of the century

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a year later.....

zoey held a pregnancy stick in her hand and signed. she signed with fear and joy. she knew she had to tell someone. she dropped it in the sink and walked out of the room.

keith walked down the hall when someone grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into a room. "what the" keith began. "sh just listen" zoey said. she whispered in keith's ear. his face light up as his eyes went big. "no no way" keith said. "are you sure" keith asked backing away. zoey nodded. keith suddenly picked zoey up by the waist and spun her around laughing with joy. zoey leaned down and kissed him.

 "hey keith we need to talk" pidge said opening the door. keith set zoey down "yeah" keith said. "uh well i think i like someone" pidge said. "okay why haven't you asked shiro" keith asked. "that's the problem" pidge said. "wait you like shiro" keith asked. pidge nodded. "well what if i told you he likes you back" keith said. "really" pidge said. "yeah i know all that bull crap about the commander's daughter was fake. so i did some digging and he likes you to" keith said.

"then please don't tell him and i won't tell him zoey's hooked" pidge said.

months later....

zoey told everyone she was pregnant and now she is 29 weeks along. when keith returned from a mission with the blades. but when he got home the whole place was trashed. keith rushed over to zoey's room and on the wall said in blood 

"if you ever want to see your friends and family again give me cheez-mak"

keith was filled with rage. cheez was killed from when shiro shot her. he grabbed his sword and gun. he walked toward the black lion and got his suit on. he used his wings to fly up to the galran ship in the sky. he flew up as fighters came out and fired there guns a t him. keith fought as the only thing on his mind was to save his family and friends. one by one they fell to the ground. 

zoey, shiro, pidge, lance, coran, krolia, hunk, and allura waited as they were chained to the wall in front of mak. banging and explosions started to happen outside as mak got up and walked to the window. "impossible. he's defeating all of my fighters" mak yelled and picked up a phone. he typed a few numbers in and yelled into the phone. "i don't care if you all die just stop him or i'll kill you myself and your families. kill him" mak yelled and turned toward zoey and everyone else.

"it looks like your friend keith has read the message. but he hasn't gotten it thought to his head that he has to give me cheez or you all die. but let's start with the pain" mak said and walked back and forth looking at everyone. "who should i kill first" he said. he looked at zoey "how about you" he said and pointed to zoey. two guards grabbed zoey's arms and lifted her up.

"you really are a pretty thing to bad you'll have to die along with keith's child" mak said pulling out a sword. as the sword neared zoey's chest the door to the room opened and a guard came running in. "sir he has gotten inside everyone of our fighters he destroyed. and he's killed every guard but me what do we do" the guard said then was shot in the head.

the door creaked open and keith limped in. his left arm was hanging limp by his side, his right leg had been stabbed, his face was bruised and bleeding, his right side was cut, and his left shoulder was cut. blood dripped on to the floor from one of his wings. it had been shot. a trail of blood followed keith as he limped inside the room.

keith's right arm held his left as it also held a gun. he panted as his struggled to talk. "l.....let...t....t.....them....g.....go....a...and here......alive" keith said. mak let go of zoey. "i'd like to kill you first then i'll leave" mak said raising his sword. keith smiled. his teeth were red from blood. "i'm......f.....flattered" keith said and winked at zoey. with in seconds zoey, shiro, lance, hunk, allura, coran, pidge, and krolia were transported to the garrison.

"now l......let's fight" keith said letting go of his left arm and dropped his gun. he pulled out his bloody sword. they ran towards each other and started to fight. then keith pushed a button and bombs went off. "so....l....long....s......Sam" keith said and ran out of the room. a bomb went off in the room mak was in.

the whole ship blew up as zoey watched in fear. "come on keith come on" shiro said looking up at the red and orange fire in the sky. zoey started to cry as no one saw him. "no keith NO" zoey sobbed and fell to her knees. everyone looked down in tears. "no keith" shiro cried and hugged pidge. "buddy no" lance said in tears. allura hugged lance in sobs. krolia fell to her knees sobbing as no signs of keith could be found.

"wait look" someone yelled. everyone looked up. something was coming down. it flapped. could it be a bird? or keith? no he hurt his wings right? as the winged creature got closer everyone saw as it was keith. he was alive. zoey got up in tears and smiled as keith suddenly hit the ground. "keith" she yelled and ran towards him. everyone ran towards him as shiro wrapped one of keith's arms around his neck and yelled for everyone to move. keith smiled weakly as shiro helped him into the medical room.

shiro picked keith up in his arms and set him down on a medical bed. "how the hell did you defeat all those guards and fighters" krolia asked. keith smiled weakly. "i...i....guess......a.lot of a.....anger....a...and a little bit o.....of hope" keith said and held his side. blood suddenly started to spill from his side. keith went pale as he laid back and closed his eyes. "keith" shiro asked. no answer came. "KEITH" shiro said.

"get everyone out now" a doctor said and shoved everyone out into the hall. they closed the door and began to work. they worked for hours. doctors and nurses rushing back and forth grabbing supplies and medicine. midnight came and went as they worked endlessly. no news came as fear filled the air. morning came and went. lunch came and went. then everyone came out and one doctor walked toward shiro and everyone.

"we have him stabilized now but who knows if he'll make the night" the doctor said then left. 

weeks went by as the day came when zoey would have her baby. keith slept in a coma for weeks. not showing any signs of life. then as zoey went in to labor keith for the first time moved. shiro held keith's hand as he looked back at zoey who was screaming in pain. as keith's hand moved shiro looked at him. "keith can you hear me" shiro said.

"s......shiro" keith said. "yeah buddy i'm here" shiro said. "w...where am i" keith asked. "your in the garrison zoey's in labor" shiro said. keith's eyes bolted open "what" he asked and sat up. pain filled his body. "ah" keith groaned as he started to get up. shiro helped him up. shiro and keith walked toward zoey's room. they weren't aloud inside but they could see her threw the window.

keith smiled as he looked at zoey. she smiled at him. he put his hand up agenst the window as zoey put her's up. they smiled then he mouth "i'll be out here" as the doctor closed the curtains. shiro helped keith sit down as everyone else came. they hugged keith as keith sat there waiting. then a baby cry came from inside the room. he got up with shiro's help. the door opened and a nurse came out with a girl.

"keith krogan" the nurse asked. keith raised his hand. "meet your daughter shara krogan" the nurse said and gentilly gave him shara. she groaned a little. keith moved her little hair out of her face. then she grabbed his finger and put it into her mouth. "aww" everyone said. "she's so cute" lance said. keith smiled. "you can come into the room now" the doctor said. keith got up and walked into the room.

zoey was laying down in the medical bed as she looked pale. shiro helped keith sit down next to her and zoey kissed keith. "so now you wake up after weeks" zoey said. "i woke up to screaming of my wife" keith said. "i couldn't miss this" keith said and put his forehead agenst zoey's.

my pastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें