galran games (part 2)

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keith got ready for the showing of all the contestants. he got dressed in a blue scaly suit and when he went more than 10 miles an hour purple fire would go around him and turn his out fit into a black suit.

"now here's the plan your going to start to sing as you ride the carriage. when you get to an up beat part hit this button and the fire will start" luke said. sam started to put a microphone on keith's ear. "show them how bad ass a paladin can be. and remember the world is watching" rick said. sam finished as keith got ready. one by one all the contestants showed off. then it was his turn.

at the garrison......

everyone watched as keith emerged from the tunnel and music played. "ladies and gentlemen for the first time we have a paladin of voltron with us. and it looks like his strength is singing. let's see how he does" a galran man said.

keith began to sing.

then keith pushed the button and the fire started. "oh and look at that purple fire. how amazing. we've never seen this before. and look he waving and doing a.......V?" the man said. "yeah keith" everyone yelled. "oh look his suit is changing. i hear the designer is luke simons a human man from earth" the galran man said.

"it says that keith krogan is part galran and his life has been hard. kidnapped at age eight and weaponized. who ever's son this is must be proud of him for pushing threw his past and having a wife, daughter and twins on the way" the galran man said. "and there he is making a heart" the galran man said. zoey smiled.

back with keith......

he held up a V as everyone chanted. he looked at the camera and he made a heart. he stopped the fire as the carriage stopped. he did a backflip and landed it. everyone cheered. the hard part was over now he had to talk in front of a camera and answer questions in front of the whole world.

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