Chapter 44

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Skylars pov

"Are you ready?" Harry asks as I put my last bits of things in my bag "yeah, have you packed Darcys things?" I ask him and he nods, it is almost 3 o'clock and Harry and I are on our way to Anne's for Christmas, my family will arrive tomorrow morning so that's good I am so excited, "open peas" Darcy says wanting  me to open her bottle of water "here you go baby" I say handing her the bottle,  I pack all the last minute bits and once I'm done I close the case "Darcy!, look you are all weat" Harry says annoyed as he enters the room seeing Darcy all weat from playing with the water instead of drinking it "Harry it's only water I will change her now" I tell him as I sit up from the floor "don't worry about it" he mumbles as he picks her up and takes her to her room, "looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" I mumble, I go to the closest and put my white superstars on, today I'm wearing a white treat people with kindness t-shirt along with some jeans.

I grab our bags and place them by the door, I go back and get the presents and put them in the car along with the surprise for Harry, I put the paper in the box along with the test and a baby tshirt that says 'I can't wait to meet you daddy'. By the time we get on the road it's 3:30 this is going to be a long ride. 

After about 2h I feel Harrys hand on my thigh, I must of fell asleep "are you ok? You look a bit pale" he says "yeah, I'm fine" I lie to him giving him a smile, but honestly he is right I feel sick and tired I just can't wait to tell him, I decided I will tell him tonight  I was going  to tell him tomorrow night but I thought everyone would get a bit suspicious because I wouldn't be drinking any wine. And we will tell our parents tomorrow morning, I bought  this card that they have to scratch it says 'we have a surprise for you' and then they have to scratch the bit that says 'we are having a baby' I just can't wait to tell Harry the only person that knows is Marcus and to be honest he has done a pretty good job on keeping it quiet he isn't usually good at keeping secrets..

"We are here" Harry smiles as he pulls into the drive and I turn round to look at Darcy who is surprisingly wide awake "guess who is here?" I tell her and she smiles "nana!" She shouts seeing Anne on the porch "my favourite little girl!" Anne's says as I put Darcy down and she runs up to her causing me to smile  "go inside I will grab the stuff out of the car" Harry says "ok " I smile at him grabbing a few pressents including Harry's.

"So how have you been?" Anne asks as we are sitting down "we have been good, the house is finished finally" Harry says "yeah it looks lovely skylar sent me some photos" she smiles as Darcy plays on her lap " she has missed you so much!" I tell her "I have missed her too, my little angel " Anne smiles down at her.

After watching home alone 1 and 2 Darcy fell asleep and Anne was almost asleep "I am going to bed, I will see you two in the morning, M  erry Christmas " she smiles at us "night merry Christmas " I tell her and Harry turns the TV off I look at the time and it's eleven o'clock, I am so nervous to tell him. 

"Let's go to bed" he says as he picks a sleeping Darcy up and holds my hand, he puts Darcy in the middle of the bed and he takes his tshirt of and puts his pyjama bottoms on "babe" I say nervously as he is sitting on the edge of the bed " I have an early Christmas present to give you" I smile at him as I carry the box to him "and before you open it in want you to know that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me you are the best boyfriend I could ask for" I tell him as a happy tear rolls down my cheek and he smiles leaning up to give me a kiss as I'm standing in between his legs "open it" I smile at him, he opens the box and looks a bit confused not knowing what it is yet, he picks the tshirt up and reads it taking a moment to process "what?" He says not understanding he looks at the piece of paper and finally understands "oh my god" he says "this isn't one of your pranks is it" he says causing me to laugh "no" I smile down at him and he has tears rolling down his cheeks, he pulls me towards him and leans back causing me to fall on top of him "oh my god, you don't know how happy you have made me feel" he says "I love you I love you I love you so much!" he says excitedly kissing my whole face "Harry" I laugh "your going to wake Darcy up" "wow" he says processing the moment "but I thought you said you wasn't ready? And I thought you was on the pill" he says confused, " I was ready but I was just scared the same thing will happen again,  and I was on the pill but stopped taking them" I tell him and he smiles "there is nothing to be scared about I'm here every step of the way" he says honestly "I love you haz" I tell him "I love you more" he smiles.

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