Chapter 14

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Skylars pov

We have been in the waiting area for 3 hours and they haven't told us anything yet, Harry hasn't said a word since we left the house, the car journey here was quiet and to be honest I don't know what to say, I can't even imagine what is going through his head right now, I phoned Anne a couple of hours ago and told her the news harry couldn't do it because he is in bits right now, it's not only his daughter in the hospital but his sister too... "do you think they are ok sky?" He says looking at me in the eyes, his wattery eyes from where he has been crying and massive bags from where he hasn't slept "Haz they are both fighters, you know that" I tell him whipping my tears, he pulls me on to his lap and holds me tight "thank you" he says looking up at me "haz, yo don't need to thank me" I tell him stroking his cheek "yes I do,and you have no idea how much I appreciate all the things you do for me" he says and gives me a kiss,and i lean my head on his shoulder.

"Styles?" I nurse says, I must of fell a sleep we quickly stand up as she comes towards us, "I have news on Gemma and Darcy" she says looking at her clipboard "please make it be good news" he hufs, he grabs my hand and squeezes it tight, "when the ambulance got there they were both unconscious,we have done lots of scans on Darcy to make sure everything is ok, she did hit her head pretty hard but we have looked at the scans and it's all ok" as soon as she said that you could see the weight lifting of our shoulders "and what about Gemma? " I ask"we have done scans on Gemma too, her head scan havr came out clear that's the one we were all most worried for, she does have a fractured arm but the rest seems to be ok, they are still asleep but you can go and see them if you like" she informs us," thank you so much" I tell her and she smiles walking out.

Harry turns towards me and smiles picking me up and kissing me, we walk to Darcys hospital room and we see her lying there asleap with a few bruises on her arms and legs and scratches on her face.

About 20 minutes later she wakes up crying "hey baby" Harry says laying next to her "dada"she cries, poor thing seriously "it's ok baby" he says kissing her head, "hi princess" I say going up to her,and as soon as she noticed me a massive grin was on her face, "look what I've got" I say getting her stuffed giraffe out of my bag and I give it to her "your mum has texted me saying she is with Gemma she is asleep " I tell harry and he nods, "I'm going to get that man who done this!" Harry says angrily, "I'm sure they have got him" I reassure him, "come here" he says pating the bed for me to lay down next them as son as I lay next to Harry my head on his chest and Darcy snuggled up on top of him and we fall asleep.

I wake up and Anne is sitting on the chair next to the bed "morning darling" she smiles "morning,what time is it?" I ask as I sit up carefully not waking them up, "eight o'clock " she says, I grab my phone and I have 7 miss calls from Marcus, so I walk out the hospital room to phone him back

"Sky! What has happened? Twitter has blown up there are photos of Harry and you going to the hospital" he says "yeah darcy and harrys sister have been in an accident" I tell him "are they ok? " "yeah darcys scans have come out clear and Gemma has a fractured arm but apart from that it's all ok" I tell him, " I'm glad it's just that and not worse, I will open the salon ok" he says "ok thankyou"

I walk back to the hospital room and its just darcy asleep Harry isn't there "where is Harry? " I ask Anne "he went to see gemma not long ago " she says. An hour goes by and I go and see how Gemma is, I walk down the hall and Gemma is still asleep but Harry isn't there, I walk a bit further down the hall and Harry is there shouting at what looks like the police "harry" I say grabbing his arm, but he ignores me and carries on "my daughter and my sister could of died and you lot aren't going to do anything about it!" He shouts" harry look at me,look at me harry" he is angry very angry and I understand that, after a few seconds he looks down at me and looks at me in the eyes "let's go" I tell him " we need to get clothes for Darcy and Gemma" I say and he nods grabbing my hand.

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