Chapter 63

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Harry's pov
I've been waiting in this waiting room well over an hour and I haven't heard any news at all, I am going to go crazy. "Harry" Gemma says walking into the waiting room along with Ryan and Stacey "any news ?" Stacey asks as she sits next to me "no and I am going to go fucking crazy if I have to stare at these blank walls any longer" I shout "I have no fucking clue if they are ok, I need to know !" I shout rubbing my hands pacing up and down "I don't know if I can do this, I don't know if I can handle any bad news, what if the baby didn't make it?" I cry and Gemma comes up to me " I can't" I cry "I can't do this" I yell as the tears don't stop " Harry you can" Gemma says pulling me into a hug "I can't even begin to imagine if I loose this baby or if I loose them both" I cry "skylar looked bad" I continue saying as the image of her in the ambulance comes to my mind.
"good evening" an elderly doctor walks in "skylars family right?" He asks and we all turn around looking at him as we nod "skylar is going to be ok" he starts of saying "but?" I ask knowing there is going to be one "but... I do have bad news as well as good news" he says and I look down as the tears don't stop "skylar winters has a few injuries, we have done a head scan and that has come up all clear, she does have 5 stitches on her head and a lot of bruising along her arms and legs" he tells us "what about baby?" Ryan asks "we are waiting for the results we will get back to you as soon as we have them" he says "but they aren't looking good" he says causing me to fall to the floor "no no no" I cry " I can't loose my baby" I say "we will do everything we can sir" he says and walks out the room "Harry" Gemma says as she sits on the floor next to me "I can't do this gem" I cry and she pulls me in for a hug.

Hours go by and I'm still in the same position sat on the floor, Gemma sat next to me and Stacey and Ryan sat on the chairs in front of us. I hear crying from outside the waiting room and seconds later I see Marcus walk in with a crying Darcy "I'm sorry mate she has been like this since you left and I just thought the right thing to do was to find her daddy" he says giving me a sympathetic look "I was just about to phone you" I tell him as a take Darcy from him "she hasn't had the best day" I tell him, "mama" Darcy cries "Sshh it's ok mummy will  be  here soon" I tell her and she cuddles up on my lap.

All I can think about is skylar and the baby, sitting in this bare room just makes the time drag, I just need to see her "good evening again" the doctor comes in with his clipboards "so about baby" he starts saying "it looks like skylar has been bleeding, this has been caused by the hard impact to the ground causing her body to go into shock" he says "bleeding during pregnancy isn't what we should be seeing, it turns out that skylar has had a Placenta abruption this means  that the placenta has detached from the wall of the uterus, either partly or totally.  In this case it's only partly. This can cause bleeding in the mother and may interfere with the baby's supply of oxygen and nutrients" he explains "we do need to make sure this doesn't get worse, her placenta abruption is only small so she will be put on a strict bed rest for some time" he explains " we do need to monitor this very closely so this means she will need to stay for some nights" he explains "so... are they both going to be ok?"  Ryan asks "like I said we will need to monitor this very closely" he says and we all nod "she is still sleeping but you can go and see her" the doctor says and walks out of the room "you guys go we can wait with Darcy" Marcus says and I look over at Darcy in the corner  where she is playing with the hospital toys.

I walk down the quiet corridor and stop as I get to her room and I take a deep breath. I walk in and see her laying there asleep, messy hair and bruises on her face. I sit down next to her and hold her hand, the only noise in the room is the heart monitor. "Babe" I cry "I'm sorry you have to go through this" I tell her as I hold her hand. I know she is going to be ok and I really hope this baby is going to be ok but I just want to take her pain away.

An hour later she is still asleep and I must of dozed off as well, I step out of the room and I see the police officers walking towards me "mr styles?" They ask me and I nod "we are here to inform you about the accident "we have checked the cameras on that street and it looks like a car was going down a one way street and another car who was going the correct way along the street tried to avoid the other car and as he done that he drove into miss Winters" he explains "the car that was in the wrong has done a runner but we just wanted to keep you updated and let you know that everything is under control" they tell me and I nod. If I had the energy I would most probably cause an argument and start shouting at the policeman but I just feel numb.

I walk down the corridor towards the waiting room leaving Ryan in the room with Skylar "dada" Darcy smiles as she runs up to me "hi baby, are you hungry?" I ask her as she nods "I'm just going to get her something to eat "I tell them not really knowing who I'm talking to because I'm just not with it. We sit down in the hospital cafe and Darcy eats her food. I feel bad for Darcy because she just gets passed around like a fucking pass the parcel all the time and I know she has fun whoever she is with but I also know that she has a hard time when neither Skylar or myself aren't there.

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