Chapter 21

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Skylars pov

"Omg sky this place is beautiful!" Charlotte says as she looks around the hotel room "you deserve it" I tell her. "So are you ready to explore paris" I say once our hair and makeup is done "yas girl" she squirms. We get outside the hotel and we spot a starbucks so we make a stop there "you know you have so many things to tell me" I tell her as we sit down with our drinks "do I? " she says acting stupid and I give her a death stare, she knows exactly what and who I'm talking about"I just don't know " she says "we aren't together but you know I love him to bits but it's like we are together in a way because I can't act like a single girl as soon as I mention a guys name he gets jealous or if I post something with a guy he gets jealous , and the same with me" she says putting her elbows on the table "we met up the other day to talk and he was telling me how much he misses me and all and I just couldn't take it, seeing him like that brakes me, and sky you know I love him, so why doesn't it never work out for us?" She says as a tear rolls down her cheek "look, you need to trust each other, that means no jealousy without any reason, you need to trust him and he needs to trust you and if there is no trust then their is no relationship" I tell her honestly and she nods understanding "now this trip is about us so that means no boys!" I tell her and she laughs.

We walk to champ de Mars that is where the eifful tower is, "look how big it is" she gushes as we take photos "your skaylar!" A girl says as she runs up to me "hi" I smile at her and she gives me a hug " I watch your videos everyday" she says "want to say hi to the vlog?" I smile at her as I point the camera in her direction, after taking a quick photo with her,Charlotte and I go up the eifful tower "this view is amazing" she says as she takes photos " I know right " I tell her.We stay up there for quite some time taking photos and admiring the view.

After that we went shopping and let's just say we are really tired "I can't wait to see that bed " she says draging her feet on the floor with her hands full of bags me the same, we get in the room and she soon jumps on the bed like a mad lady making me laugh, I put all my stuff away and I get a face time call from Harry. "Hi babe" I say as I press the green button his face soon popping up "hi baby how was your day" he asks "it's been amazing we have gone shopping and we also went up the eifel tower it was so cool" I tell him as I sit down to take my makeup off "I'm glad you had fun " he smiles "we miss you" he pouts as Darcy comes in view " I miss you two too" I tell them laying on the bed "and Darcy starts to blaber to me not having a clue what she's trying to say making us both laugh, "how was your day" I ask him "it was ok, a chill day I went out with my sister and Darcy and it was fun" he says making me smile.

I wake up and see that Charlotte is still asleep, that girl could sleep her whole life and still be tired! I look at the time and it's half nine, I went to bed at eleven when I finished the call with Harry. Today we are meeting up with Eleanor for the day. I quickly go to the bathroom making the most of it seeing as Charlotte is still asleep and she takes forever. Once I'm done I do my hair in loose waves and I do my makeup, I get dressed in an overall and a white tshirt underneath with my white converse, by the time I'm ready Charlotte is a awake getting washed. After an hour waiting for Charlotte we finally go and have breakfast at Starbucks, yep very healthy! "Hi bae" Eleanor says as she comes to our table sitting down "hey girl" I tell her giving her a quick hug "ready for our morning trip?" She says taking a sip of her coffee "oh and you birthday girl! We are taking you out tonight" Eleanor says to Charlotte and I smirk knowing exactly what the plan is "what? Where" she asks confused "to this awesome club " I tell her knowing she is going to love it "we better go and buy something for tonight!" Eleanor says getting up from the table.

"Aw El look at this dress for darcy" I say in awe as I pick up a really cute baby dress up, "that's so cute" she says, we are currently in the mall in a baby store, yep I couldn't resist "and this one is cute too" she says picking another dress up that is just as cute, we walk out and I ended up buying 3 dresses and a tshirt for her. We then go to another store to buy our outfits for tonight and let's just say, that took all morning. After we had our late lunch we went straight to our hotel deciding the 3 of us are getting ready there.

We all started getting ready around half six "sky could you do my make up please" Charlotte asks me "sure" I do her make up like she wanted it and she looked like an absolute queen "you look really pretty Charlotte" I tell her and she smiles, once I finish my makeup and hair I put on my white jeans with a vest top and my dark green jacket "you look so hot right now dam that outfit shows of your curves girl!" el says as she walksout the bathroom making me laugh "sky your phone is ringing" Charlotte says as she passes my phone and it's Harry "hi baby" I say through the phone "hi babe " he says and I can hear Darcy in the background "how are you?" I ask him sitting down on the bed waiting for the girls, I look at the time and it's eighto'clock "I'm good, missing you though " he says and I know he is giving me the puppy face "I miss you too " I tell him "what are you girls up to?" "We are just finishing getting ready, we are doing that surprise El and I told you about" I tell him " have fun babe, don't get to drunk" he chuckles " oh don't worry I'm not going to drink, my tummy doesn't feel too good and I don't want to deal with the hangover these girls are already tipsy, they have drank a bottle of champagne to themselves in just 1 hour" I tell him and he laughs "good luck looking after them when they are throwing up" he says making me groan in disgust.

We finished our room service dinner and we headed straight out we go down stairs to the lobby and went to the bar they had to start the night of "lets get some shots girls" El says pulling us to the bar , "three shots of vodka please " Charlotte says as El puts 15 euros down "1.2.3" we shout downing the liquor feeling the burning feeling down my throat "next round" they shout and we down the next shot and they go to the bathroom quickly already drunk laughing there heads of "so I guess you are the sober one so far" the young man behind the bar says smiling at me "yeah so far and that's how it's staying" I say "that's what they all say" he smiles at me "well I'm saying it, and I mean it" I tell him and he doesn't say anything else "how comes you speak English ? I mean that good accent,I have been round this whole hotel looking for someone that speaks proper English and I couldn't find anyone" I tell him and he laughs, oh no did i just ramble to this random guy? Thats the drink kicking in "I'm from London, but i have been living here for two years" he says and I just nod understanding, the girls soon come back holding each other gigling "come on stop hiting on guys you have a boyfriend" Charlotte says as she grabs on to my arm "what? I was just talking to him" I tell her and she laughs, blind me this girl! We walk out of that bar holding on to each other, we must look like the mean girls from high school, it was now half eleven, "where is this place?" Charlotte asks just as we exit the hotel doors "just over there"El and I point, it's a club just across the road from the hotel and it's going to be awesome, "uug I think I'm going to throw up" El says as we walk along the path "not here El" I groan " I said I think not that I'm gonna" she says laughing causing Charlotte to laugh, Lord help me!

We arrive at the club without anyone puking, luckily "this place is sick!" Charlotte says as she is dancing with Eleanor to the music, they are so drunk god knows how much they have had, i move away from the dance floor and sit down nearby so they could still see me, "hey what's wrong" Charlotte shouts over the loud music "not feeling to good, must of been that yogurt erlier" I shout back and she sits next to me "I'm just going to get some fresh air" I tell her and she nods.

I walk outside and lean against the brick wall and before I know it I'm pucking, "Ça va?" I hear someone say "what?" I say as I turn round to see this man about my age coming towards me "oh you speak English? " he says and I nod before throwing up again and he comes and holds my hair back "drunk too much?" He asks lighting the mood and I groan in disgust leaning against the wall "yeah I guess" I tell him and he gives me a slight smile "thanks by the way, for concerning about me" I tell him and he waves it off "do you feel better?" He asks and I nod not giving him a smile, I go back inside and head straight to the bathroom to clean myself up, and I must admit I am a bit drunk only a bit, once I come out the bathroom i try and look for the girls.

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