Chapter 26

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Skylars pov

Its nine o'clock and I  am currently in the car to get some boxes to start packing, it's going to be a long day... I put the boxes in the back of the car and my phone starts ringing, I look at the ID and it's Harry "hi babe" I say as I answer the phone "babe where are you, I woke up and you weren't there and I got worried" he says in his husky morning voice "aw your such a cutie" I say in awe and he just mumbles something that i can't make out "I am on my way back" I tell him but he doesn't answer, has he really fallen asleep on the phone? I laugh to myself.

I drive back home and get the keys out of my bag, "Haz?" I call as I open the door, nope no answer, I close the door behind me, I go upstairs and check on Darcy who is still fast asleep, I go to the bedroom and Harry is laying there asleep with the phone on his pillow, causing me to smile to myself, I go up to him and lean down leaving a  kiss on his lips and he opens his eyes slightly "morning "he says in his morning voice "morning" I say as I get my keys for my place "are you leaving now?" He asks  sitting up, "yeah, I just want to get my things and bring it straight here and I also need to stop of in the salon" I tell him and he pouts "are you working today?" He asks frowning "no, I just need to pop in there" I say "I will see you later" I tell him "I will be over soon to help you"he says kissing my lips "oh and babe, you look hot" he winks causing me to laugh throwing a pillow at him.

I arrive at my now called old house and go inside, Bailey is no longer here she lives with Ryan I am just never home and it wasn't fair, I walk upstairs and start sorting out my clothes its now that I realise that I have so many clothes I have clothes that still have the tags on! Once all my clothes are in boxes I go to the storage cupboard and sort that out all the important stuff, "sky I'm here" I hear Harry say as he closes the front door "I am upstairs " I shout so he can hear me. He helps me finish packing all my stuff and it's already twelve o'clock, "that is everything" I tell him as I get up from the floor going light headed "are you ok?" Harry asks putting the box down and before he could get to my side everything goes black.

Harrys pov 

As I pick the box up to take it all to the car I look at sky and she has gone pale "are you ok?" I ask as I put the box down, and before I could get by her side she passes out "babe!" I say bending down shaking her lightly "baby " I repeat" and there is no answer, I pick her up and put her in the car driving straight to the hospital "i need help" I shout as I go through the hospital doors carrying sky bridal style and the nurses rush towards me with a hospital bed and from there everything just goes to fast and it's a blur.

"Harry" Ryan says entering the waiting area " what happened? " he asks me worried "I don't know she just passed out" I tell him pacing up and down walking from one side of the room to another sweating, "family of Skylar Winters ?" A nurse asks and we soon walk towards her "you can go and see her she is awake, just make sure she stays hydrated" the nurse says and we thank her, we go down the hall and we soon find her room "babe" I say rushing to her side giving her a kiss. 

After about 20 minutes Ryan goes to get a coffee for us while I stay with Skylar, "Hi miss Winters" a nurse says coming in to the room with a clipboard, "we have got the reults from your tests" she says and we nod for her to carry on "a part from the fact that you were dehydrated we took a blood test and the results said you are pregnant" the nurse says, and I look at skylar who has a massive smile on her face, and I feel tears rolling down my cheeks "congratulations" the nurse smiles at us as she walks out "oh my god" Skylar says not believing it " we are going to have a baby" I smile at her as I lay down next to her hugging her "wow" she says after a while of silence "what are all these tears for?" Ryan says as he walks back in with our drinks, I look up at skylar who is smiling down at me "well.." she says looking down at me smiling from ear to ear "we're pregnant " she says and Ryan smiles "really??? Wow I'm going to be an uncle to another little sunshine" he says, Darcy is really close to Ryan whenever skylar and I need something Ryan is always up to looking after her and Darcy always wants to go and see him, she likes all her family but out of everyone she spends most time with her brother, she calls him Tito its what skylar and ryan called their uncle when they were younger, it was more a Spanish thing as they grew up there, and I would   love for Darcy to learn Spanish "congratulations " he smiles at us both giving me a manly hand shake and giving skylar a hug. Wow I'm going to be a dad again, just imagining it brings a smile to my face.

It is almost six o'clock and we are still at the hospital, the nurse said we could go once the drips have finished and that she should take it easy, "good evening, miss Winters and Mr styles" a lady says coming in the room "I will be your midwife throughout this pregnancy " she continues saying "so I am just going to talk you two through this" she says sitting down with her Ipad "so this is your first child correct?" She asks and skylar nods "ok, according to the results you are 2 weeks pregnant, and I have booked and appointment in 5 weeks for your first baby scan and you will be able to hear the babys heart beat " she says and I look over at skylar and she has a massive smile on her face, "in the mean time take it easy don't work to much but also don't sit around to much, if you see anything wrong don't hesitate to call me or come and see me" she says handing us a card with her number on it, "thank you " skylar smiles at her.

"Can you believed this" she says as we get in the car "it's going to be amazing, once I come back we are going house hunting" I tell her "sounds fine by me" she smiles. We get home and Niall is there with Darcy "thank you mate you are a legend " I tell him "oh it's fine she is awesome, we were playing golf outside and she loves it, she even said she prefers it better than uncle lou lous sport meaning football" he says proudly making skylar laugh "how are you feeling?" He then says looking over at skylar "I feel brand new" she says as she goes over and cuddles Darcy.

"Darcy" I call her as sky and I sit on the sofa and she comes running over to us sitting on my lap "how do you feel about having a sister or brother?" I ask her and she smiles excited "well there is a baby in mummy's stomach" I say and she points to her stomach "mama?" "Yeah that's mummy's stomach and there is a baby inside" I tell her and she smiles "your going  to be a big sister" skylar says exited making darcy jump up and down on my lap.

Skylars pov.

Once we finish dinner Harry went to collect all my stuff from my place, "come on baby let's get you ready for bed" I say to Darcy and we go upstairs "this" she says as she grabs her pink pijamas sitting on her bed, I take her clothes of and put her pijamas on, "let's go and brush your teeth" she runs to the bathroom and starts playing around in there, once she finishes brushing her teeth she jumps on Harry's bed "you monkey" I tell her and she gives me a cheeky grin "I'm back" I hear Harry say coming up the stairs and Darcy runs up to him hugging his legs "hello princess" he says bending down giving her a kiss, "are you ready for bed?" he asks her and she nods "have you brushed your teeth?" He asks picking her up and she nods "and have you been to the toilet?  We don'twant any accidents in the night" he says and she nods, "say good night to mama" harry says and Darcy gives me a kiss hugging me, I love this girl.

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