Chapter 32

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Skylars pov

"Darcy baby you need  to get dressed" Harry tells her as he grabs her clothes to get her ready. We are currently getting ready to head to the hospital for our first baby scan, i am currently 7 and a half weeks pregnant and today we will get to hear the baby's heart beat and we are buzzing,  "are you looking forward to meet you little brother or sister?" Harry asks her and she smiles nodding her head excitedly.

We arrive at the hospital and let's just say I am really nervous but also exited, we sit in the waiting area and Darcy soon goes of to play with the toys they have for the kids, " skylar winters?" Te lady says after a while of waiting,Harry and I smile at her getting up, we walk in the room and we sit down Darcy jumping  on Harry's lap, "good to see you again" she smiles at me "so you are 7 weeks pregnant, how have you been feeling?" She asks me "well at the moment I have been OK,  but since we found out we were pregnant I have been really sick, dizzy, light headed..." I tell her and she types it all on the computer "ok,  well could you please lay down on the bed and lift your t-shirt up a bit" she says as she gets some stuff "ok so I am going to put this on you, it's going to be a bit cold..." she says as she puts the gel on my belly causing me to flinch a little, she moves the scan across my belly as she looks at the screen, I look over at Harry who is sat bedside me holding my hand smiling at me, "I will be right back" she says as she leaves the room quickly leaving me confused,"what was that?" I ask Harry who is just as confused as me, he squeezes my hand tight reassuring me everything is going to be OK. After a good 3 minutes she walks back in along with another lady, and the other lady does the ultrasound again focusing on the screen for a good minute, she looks over at the other nurse and shakes her head, "what's going on?" Harry asks confused knowing it's not going to be good "it looks like you have had a missed miscarriage" she says and I could feel my heart sink "a missed miscarriage is when the embryo  stops growing,you don't get any signs like  miscarriage such as pain or bleeding but in the next few days you will be in a lot of pain and heavy bleeding " she explains leaving us speechless "I am very sorry to inform you with this news" she continues saying leaving us alone in the room.

I feel num, cold, it feels like it's all a bad dream this can't be happening, "t-tell me this isn't real" I stutter breaking down in tears and I feel him pull me in to a tight  hug not saying anything, " I want to go home" I cry.

Harrys pov

We arrive home at 3 o'clock and I carry a sleeping Darcy to bed Skylar going straight to our bedroom. She is literally heart broken right now and so am I but I want to be strong for her, we weren't expecting none of this we thought we would leave the hospital all happy with our first baby scan but no. "Babe" I say as I enter the bedroom seeing her in bed snuggled up sobbing, I lay down next to her and pull her into my chest and she sobbs even more letting it all out causing a few tears roll down  my cheeks "it's all my- my fault" she stutters holding me tight "no its not" I tell her and she nods "it is if I was healthier none of this would of happened" she says "babe, listen to me OK?  None of this is your fault, you heard the midwife" I tell her and she doesn't say anything, the last thing I want her to think is that it's her fault when it's not.

She ends up crying her self to sleep on my chest i hate seeing her like this she doesn't deserve this and it's not good for her. I get up quietly and close the bedroom door behind me going down stairs hearing my phone ring "hi mum" I say as I walk in to the kitchen "hi darling, how was the scan?" She asks excitedly, gosh how I'm I suppose to tell her the news, "not good" I huff and she doesn't say anything wanting me to carry on "she's had a missed miscarriage " I tell her and I can just imagine her shocked face right now "are you serious? I'm very sorry Harry- wow- I- I can't believe it" she stutters "stupid question but how is she?" She asks "not good she's sleeping at the moment  but she keeps blaming herself" I say  "that's terrible, give her my love OK? " she tells me "I will do mum, love you bye"

I go back upstairs and check on Darcy who is now awake on her bed "dada" she smiles putting her hands up for me to pick her up "hey baby" I smile at her carrying her back downstairs in to the livingroom, and we watch cartoons for a good hour the same cartoons on repeat "haz? "I hear her say in a croaky voice, I turn my head towards her and I see her standing there with some of her bags "where are you going?" I ask her confused hopping it's not what I think it is "Haz I-I need to do this" she stutters coming towards me and I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks "Sky what are you talking about?" I ask her and she sits down next to me " I need to go Harry,  I need to get myself better my anxiety is getting worse you know that, and  I need to do this" she says whipping her tears away "babe you don't have to go, I want to be by your side I want to help you" I tell her as I grab her hand and she shakes her head "I'm going to stay at my parents for a while, I promise I will come back once I'm in the right mind set " she says struggling to get her words out "and If you don't want to wait I totally understand " she continues saying "babe all I want for you is to get better and for you to be that confident woman I first met, and I'm going to be with you for your whole jurney" I tell her and I pull her into a tight hug "and if going to your parents and being with your family is going to help you then I'm happy for you" I tell her whipping my tears away and she nods.

There is one question I am dreding to ask but need to know the answer to, "but is this going change anything between us" I ask her scared of her response but she just stays silent looking down at her lap her hair in her face and her hands shaking a little, this was not something I was expecting, she is leaving me the only person I have actually fallen inlove with "I don't want you to wait for me Haz, I don't know how long I will be and I don't want to put  you through all this, but promise me one thing" she stutters,  more and more tears rolling down here cheeks "promise me you won't go back to the old Harry " she says and I just nod not able to say anything.

"Darcy princess "she says walking over to her where she is playing on the carpet with her toys "mama" she smiles wrapping her arms around Skylars neck "I will see you soon ok? Be a good girl for dada" She says and Darcy just nods not having a clue what is going on "I  love you harry" she says looking at me straight in the eyes "I love you " I tell her, and just like that she grabs her bags and leaves.

Daddy Harryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن