Chapter 56

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Skylars pov
As we drive through busy London I check my phone and I see a message from Anne from 30 minutes ago

From Anne:
we have left the airport now, I won't be going I'm staying with Darcy who isn't very well she has come down with a temperature so I will be taking her home to Gemmas and we will be staying there the night. Harry is on his way now to the arena he was very excited thinking that you was going to go with him but then he saw your message and he was disappointed, but he isn't expecting it at all haha have fun and you look stunning!

I smile as I read the message and give her a quick reply and I see a message from Harry

From Harry:
Hi babe, heading to the Arena now I'm sad you couldn't be here with me tonight. I will be singing one of my songs tonight, it will be the first time everyone hears it including you so I hope you like it. I love you x

As I read the message all I could do is smile. Harry has been very secretive with what he has been writing with this album and he is finally going to be on stage tonight. My plan is to go on stage with the envelope once he finishes the performance and open it in front of everyone. He won't be expecting it at all "Lou I'm so nervous my stomach is in knots right now" I tell her and she laughs.

We finally pull up round the back of the Arena at 8.10 hoping no one spots us, we rush in having some security guards waiting for us and they guide us to one of the dressing rooms. And I can hear music going on stage and de audience cheering "hi, Harry will be on stage in about an hour" a nice young lady comes in and informs us and we thank her "ok so that gives us plenty of time to retouch your makeup" Lou says as another lady comes in with a big suitcase full of makeup "I just can't believe all this is happening right now, I am so nervous I have never been in front of so many people before" I say and both Lou and the makeup artist laugh "trust be it will be fine, and you look so sexy" the lady laughs "So you are giving him the envelope on stage that has the gender of the baby in?" Lou asks and I nod "are you going to reveal it out loud or just get the reaction?" The lady asks as she touches my makeup up "I mean I don't have a clue I mean I don't mind it's whatever Harry wants, eventually everyone is going to find out so whatever happens in the moment" I explain "it's such a good idea" she smiles "apparently the people backstage have prepared two types of confeti colours just in case you do reveal the gender"she informs Lou and I "aw that's so sweet" I smile "I feel like everyone is going to be hating on me saying that I'm making the Brit awards all about me" I laugh "But that's not the case I just don't want anyone to think that" I pout "aw don't be ridiculous" Lou says "nobody is going to think that, everybody loves you and Harry" the young lady smiles at me as she puts all the brushes away "well I hope that's true" I joke

As we are waiting in the dressing room back stage I quickly FaceTime Anne before Darcy goes to sleep "hi beautiful I have just put the Tv on to watch Harry's performance" Anne smiles as she sits on the sofa and she points the camera towards a sleeping Darcy who is sound asleep on the sofa "aw how is she?" I ask Anne concerned "she has a fever and has been very clingy, she bursted into tears when Harry had to go in a different car" she tells me "aw bless her, I miss her so much" I tell her "she misses you way to much" Anne tells me "Harry is on stage in 5 minutes" one of the crew members come in to tell us "well here goes" I tell Anne and she laughs "before I go, what do you think the gender is?" I ask her quickly "I'm still sticking with girl" she says confidently making me laugh "same as Harry then "well I think boy!" Lou shouts from the other side of the room making us laugh.

I get off the phone to Anne and head out along with one of the crew members and Lou following behind "do you want to wait here? You will be able to see Harry perfectly from here and once he finishes you can go on stage from over there" the crew member informs me "thank you" I smile. I wait along side Lou who is standing next to me as I look around my surroundings and see so many pop starts sat at their big round tables making me even more nervous, gosh how does Harry do it. We are currently standing by the stage not right in front but not right at the side neither.

"Ok ladies and gentlemen, it's the time you have all been waiting for, singing one of his new singles falling,that he wrote about me!" Jack Whitehall joke's making everyone laugh "it's Harry styles!" Jack Whitehall introduces as he quickly comes back off stage.

"I'm in my bed
And you're not here
And there's no one to blame
But the drink in my wandering hands
Forget what I said
It's not what I meant
And I can't take it back
I can't unpack the baggage you left
What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling" he sings, it's beautiful I didn't know he wrote a song about our situation.
"What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling" I literally have goosebumps listening to his angelic voice
"You said you care
And you missed me too
And I'm well aware I write too many songs about you" and before I know it I have tears rolling down my cheeks and Lou holds my hand
"And the coffee's out
At the Beachwood Cafe
And it kills me 'cause I know we've run out of things we can say
What am I now? What am I now?
What if I'm someone I don't want around?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
And I get the feeling that you'll never need me again" just by listening to the lyrics I know he was in so much pain during that time writing this song
"What am I now? What am I now?
What if you're someone I just want around
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling
What if I'm down?
What if I'm out?
What if I'm someone you won't talk about?
I'm falling again, I'm falling again, I'm falling" he finishes the song making everyone clap on their feet and I can see him wiping his tears away.

Lou quickly hands me the envelope and I quickly go to the stairs the lovely lady told me about and they help me making sure I don't fall. I walk on stage towards Harry as a wipe my tears and see him waving and thanking everyone gosh he is too kind. I walk towards him and tap him on the shoulder and he turns around and he is in shock, before I can say anything he picks me up spinning me around in his tight grip " what are you doing here?" He whispers in my neck as I'm still in his grip "I have a surprise" I whisper as he puts me down, I walk over to the mic that is on the stand that he was just using moments ago "hi everyone, oh my god I'm so nervous" I shake and Harry comes to my side holding me by my waist "ok so I know we haven't got long but I have something for you styles" I tell him as I hand him the envelope and he looks confused looking at it but then realises what it is reading the hospital stamp that is on the envelope "what do I do?" He asks confused and nervous making everyone laugh "is it the gender?" He asks as he opens it slowly looking at me and I nod smiling at him "he opens the envelope and opens the folded paper with all the information about the scan along with the photos, we are literally going to find out here right now the gender I am shaking, he unfolds the paper and our eyes scan through the paper trying to find the word BOY or GIRL and before I could find it Harry jumps up and down cheering running around the stage shortly coming to me and spinning me around causing me to laugh "it's a girl!" He shouts into the mic making everyone cheer and all of a sudden pick confeti comes down and more tears run down my face as well as him and he comes and gives me a big bear hug once again "thank you everyone so much for the amazing support and thank you all for having me here" he says out of breath with a big smile on his face causing his dimple to show. Wow we are having a girl a baby girl!

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