Chapter 35

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Skylar's pov

"I will leave you both  to it" Ryan says as he leaves closing the front door behind him. Harry is here Harry is here Harry is here I say over and over again in my head, it's been almost 2 months since I last saw him and I wasn't expecting to see him here playing the play station with my brother, my brother! And at his house!  "Hi" I say awkwardly going towards him and he sits up putting the remote on the table "hey" he says and we stay silent for a few seconds, why does it feel awkward, we have never been awkward with each other, never. "Come here" he says pulling me in to his chest his chin resting on my head, gosh I missed him.

We pull out of the hug and sit down on the sofa "what are you doing here?" I ask him surprised "we went to the gym this morning, you know your brother has just been helping me out and we came back here to play a game of fifa and we also watched your interview, you looked amazing and I'm really proud of you"  he smiles showing his dimples and looking back down in his lap in a nervous manner "thanks" I smile at him "how is Darcy? " "she is great, she is with Lou and lux today but she really misses you" he says "me too" I tell him and he puts a hand on my thigh "and how is your family?" I ask him and he just shrugs his shoulders "not good, been better" he says  "Robin has cancer" he says leaving me in total shock "how comes you never told me" I tell him and he just shakes his head "I'm sorry " I tell him giving him a hug.

"And so what now? Are you and my brother like best mates or something?" I joke after a while of catching up "you could put it that way" he smiles sitting back resting his feet on my lap "he is my personal trainer now " he informs me giving me a cheeky grin " yeah right? You training? I will believe it when I see it" I tease him "oi! Excuse me but I am very fit" he says offended "if you say so" I joke rolling my eyes and he laughs shaking his head "can I ask you something " he says acting more serious taking his feet of my lap and sitting properly  "what is it?" "What are we?" He asks turning to look straight at me, "what do you mean?" I ask him "you know what I mean skylar" he says a bit frustrated "we never broke up, we never said the word brake up but yet if feels like we have" he says and we stay silent for a moment, it is true we never broke up i just needed time apart to get my head straight "and you know I love you skylar but this isn't fair" he says as he pushes his hair back frustrated "it's not fair on Darcy, she misses you so much and she saw you as her mother and now she is confused i cant play with her feelings like that,I can't do this keep lying to her" he says as he stands up wiping a tear away, what is he saying here... "I love you" he says as he looks down at me on the sofa pulling me up to stand in front of him "is this it then?" I stutter not understanding what's happening, I look up at him and he just nods closing his eyes as tears roll down his cheecks "you deserve someone better sky, not me that didn't even notice what you was feeling  " he says as tears roll down"I'm back!" Ryan shouts as he comes through the front door, I look up at Harry and he gives me a quick kiss and heads towards the front door leaving me standing there processing what just happened "

"Skylar?" My brother says as he comes up to me causing me to shake my head not wanting to talk about it "I'm going to Charlottes" I whisper grabbing my handbag "she's not at home she's with her parents" he says, oh yeah how can I forget "I will be at Marcus's then" I say  walking to the front door, how can I be this stupid and fuck everything up. I get in the car and drive to Marcus' the thought of not seeing Darcy anymore brakes my heart I'm just so fucking stupid, once I get to his house i bang on the steering wheel annoyed, letting my tears roll down my cheeks, I grab my phone and go to my photos seeing all the photos of Harry and Darcy causing me to cry even more. Scrolling through the photos I get interrupted by a call, lou? "H-hello?" I stutter  as I whipe my tears away "Sky? Hi, I was wondering if you could pick Darcy up, Harry said he would be here but I can't get in touch with him and I need to go out it's just that I have no car seat for her or anything " she says "eh-yeah" I stutter sniffling turning the engine back on "thank you" she says as I drive to her place that isn't far from here.

20 minutes later I arrive at her place as she is locking up "hey thanks" she says in a rush as I approach them, Lux holding Darcys hand on the porch lucky it's 6 o'clock and its already dark so she can't see the state of my face right now "I just have no clue where Harry is he said he would be here on time to pick Darcy up but there is no sign of him " she says "it's ok" I tell her and she gives me a quick smile, I go towards Darcy and she just stares at me "hey baby" I smile at her and she soon recognises me running towards me "hello princess" I say and she smiles hugging my legs and I pick her up "I will see you soon I need to rush of" she says as she grabs her things of the porch step "bye" I laugh at her as I go back to my car putting Darcy in her carseet that I keep in my car, now what?  "Mama" Darcy bables from the back as I sit in the drivers seat.

I grab my phone and dial Harry's number, no answer for gods sake!, I turn the engine on and decide to drive over to his by the time I get there its almost half six, and his car is in the drive,I get Darcy out and ring the bell, no answer, what's wrong with this boy, I scroll through my bag  to see if i still have the keys, bingo! I open the gate and head towards the  front door and it's quiet "Harry" I shout no answer "Harry?" I say as I go in to the living room and there are empty beer cans and a half empty  bottle of vodka on the table "just great" I mumble as I put Darcy down and she runs towards her toys, I go into the kitchen and he is leant against the worktop with his head in his hands "Harry what the hell" I shout at him and he just mumbles "what are you doing" I tell him as I grab his wrist so he is looking at me "I don't know" he slurs stumbling "your daughter is in the other room! And you was supposed to pick her up but you was to busy here" I tell him angrily and he just holds on to me so he doesn't stumble over "do you really want her to see you like this"  I ask him and he shakes his head in disappointment "why did you do this?" I ask him and he just looks at me disappointed "I was angry at myself "he says as a tear rolls down his cheek "come on" I shake my head as I guide him upstairs.

"Don't leave" he says once he is in bed after throwing up twice in the bathroom "Harry I need to see Darcy and I also need to phone someone" I tell him "no, don't phone anyone don't phone my mum" he says desperately and I just shake my head at him going down stairs "Darcy baby" I say and she runs up to me "dada" she says "daddy is asleep" I say as I pick her up getting my phone to phone Gemma.

"Hello?" She says as she answers the phone "hi Gemma it's me" I tell her and she laughs "I know you idiot" she jokes "what's up?" she asks "I'm at Harrys" I huff "what's happened?" She asks concerned "are you in London?" I ask her "yeah do you want me to come round I'm just round the corner" She asks "yeah please " I tell her as I enter the kitchen with Darcy on my hip "ok I will be round as soon as possible " she says cutting the phone off. I grab some snacks for Darcy and head back to the living room to tidy up, after about 30 minutes i finished cleaning, throwing the bottles away and cleaning the carpet because it stunk of alcohol, the doorbell rings and it's Gemma "hi" she says coming through the front door "what's happened?" She asks seeing the look on my face "Harry" I huff "Iong story short we saw each other earlier and we basically broke up and he was supposed to pick Darcy up but lou phoned me because she needed to go somewhere and Harry wasn't answering his phone to pick Darcy up so I picked her up and came round here and there was beer bottles everywhere and a vodka bottle and he was in the kitchen leaning against the worktop pissed out his head" I tell her catching my breath "for fuck sake" she mumbles going upstairs to see him.

"He is out of it" she says as she comes back down into the living room "do you want to stay and I take darcy for the night?  Or do you want me to stay?" She asks "could I stay, I need to talk to him once he is at least half sober and I also need to pack my things" I tell her and she nods understanding giving me a hug "this is what I was afraid of" she whispers "and I really hope he isn't that stupid to let you go just like that" she hufs grabbing her things "he seemed pretty convinced " I tell her looking down in my lap and she shakes her head giving me a hug "come on darcy " she says as she grabs Darcys bag and she runs towards me giving me a hug.

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