Chapter 57

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Skylars pov
"I can't believe you planned all that" Harry says as he plays with my hair while I lay on his chest in our bed. Once we got of stage we went backstage still not believing what had happened and we stayed there until the end of the show. "You looked absolutely beautiful tonight" he tells me as he continues to play with my hair causing me to smile "thank you, you did too" I tell him "I loved the performance by the way, you made me cry" I say as I look up at him "I didn't know you wrote a song about our situation" I say as I trace his tattoos on his chest "it helped me in a way... just writing my feelings down, it helped. It was the night I phoned you when I was in the studio scrolling through our photos" he explains, I remember that night, I received a phone call from Harry and as much as I didn't want to answer when I saw his name pop up on my screen a big smile popped up on my face "well I really like it" I tell him and he smiles placing a soft kiss on my lips "but I'm pretty sure you only wrote that so when everybody searches Harry styles falling on YouTube you don't appear falling on stage" I laugh causing him to smile annoyed making me laugh even more " well not exactly..." he smiles thinking of a comeback.

It's currently 5.00am, I don't remember dozing off "Harry" I whisper as turn over to face him "babe wake up" I whisper again "your phone is ringing" I tell him as I try to find his phone under all the blankets and he just mumbles, "hello?" I answer once I find it "Anne? Is everything ok?" I ask as I can hear crying in the background "skylar darling, it's Darcy, she really isn't well her fever is going up drastically" she informs me "I think we should take her to the emergencies" she says and and I shake Harry as she is telling me all this "ok Anne don't worry we will be there soon" I tell her as I hang up "what's wrong" he asks as he gets up "it's Darcy she's not well, we need to take her to the emergencies" I tell him as I rush to the wardrobe room and put on my brown tracksuit along with the matching hoodie as Harry rushes behind me "but is she ok?" Harry asks as he puts his trainers on still half asleep "yeah she's just not feeling well and it's best if we just go to the hospital to stay safe" I reassure him.

We go downstairs as I grab Harry's car keys and head out the front door and I get into the drivers seat "she's going to be fine" I tell him as I place my hand on his leg. We arrive at Gemma's place and Anne is waiting on the porch with a still crying Darcy, it brakes my heart to see her like this I don't think I have ever seen her crying like this before "baby!" I say as I approach them and she puts her arms out for me "mama" she cries "gosh she is sweating" I tell them "let's go"Harry says as he gets in the drivers seat and I strap Darcy in her seat making her cry even more "it's ok baby" I tell her as I sit in the back seat beside her.

We arrive at the hospital and I carry Darcy as Harry goes straight to the desk and I sit down with her "moma" she cries as she lays her head in my shoulder "it's ok baby" I say as I stroke her hair, I look over at Harry and he is still talking to the lady at the desk and it seems he is getting a bit frustrated "is this Darcy?" A young nurse says as she comes up to us "yeah" "ok come with me" she says and we follow behind and I drag Harry along with us before he causes an argument.

It is now 7.30 am Darcy is sleeping after all the medication she has had. I look over and I see harry sleeping on the armchair, he must be so tired "hello, I have a few updates to tell you" the lovely young nurse that came up to us earlier comes in and says and Harry soon wakes up "she still has a fever but it shouldn't go up anymore, we have given her medication to bring the fever down and we have also given her drips for the fluid as she wasn't wanting any water. It is important for her to drink plenty of water when she has a fever,it will help bring the fever down" she informs us
Mand we thank her.

We stay until they tell us we can leave and by the time we leave and get to the car it's about 12 midday and Darcy is fast asleep in the car seat "let's get something to eat little one in here is begging for food" I tell him as I point to my belly making him laugh "hmmm McDonald's drive through?" He asks "ouu yeah just what I need" I smile and he drives in that direction.

Once we pull out of McDonald's with my box of 9 chicken nuggets, box of onion rings, chicken balls, 2 burgers and my chips and Harry's Big Mac menu we head home "there is no way you are going to eat all that" Harry says as I start eating my nuggets "did you meet me yesterday?" I ask sarcastically, as if he doesn't know me "and anyway it's for two not but for me" I tell him and he laughs.

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